Transporter (Star Trek) - Wikipedia
Transporters allow for teleportation by converting a person or object into an energy pattern (a process called "dematerialization"), then sending ("beaming") it to a target location or else returning it to the transporter, where it is reconverted into matter ("rematerialization").
Transporter | Memory Alpha | Fandom
It was a subspace device capable of almost instantaneously transporting an object from one location to another, by using matter-energy conversion to transform matter into energy, then beam it to or from a chamber, where it was reconverted back or materialize into its original pattern.
Do Star Trek Teleporters Actually Kill You? Here’s the Science
Oct 15, 2020 · Creators of Star Trek haven’t confirmed transporters kill you. However, based solely on the science, transporters do kill you. These teleportation devices take scans of the molecules in your body, store them in the pattern buffer, convert them into energy, and then beam them to the desired location.
Teleportation | Memory Alpha | Fandom
Teleportation was a term for traveling from one location to another almost instantaneously. Numerous advanced cultures had this capability through the use of transporter technology. A device facilitating teleportation might be known as a teleporter. To Henry Starling of …
In Star Trek canon, what's the range of operation of transporters?
Apr 27, 2023 · By "range of operation" of the transporter, I mean "distance up to which it could transport" or "distance from which it could transport something to its own location". The range of operation would have increased with time without a doubt but I want to know the average range at any period. It'll be better if you provide full stats of all times.
The Physics Of Star Trek: Quantum Teleportation Versus ... - Forbes
Aug 19, 2015 · How does the real phenomenon of quantum teleportation stack up against the transporters of the 'Star Trek' universe?
star trek - Why teleportation isn't the primary intra-ship transport ...
Jan 14, 2015 · As it seems to be possible to teleport people between two parts of the ship (e.g. TNG: Gambit, Part II), why the Transporter, instead of the Turbolift, isn't the primary mechanism to transport peop...
'Star Trek' Science: How Teleportation Works [Infographic] - Forbes
Jul 29, 2016 · The teleporter is one of the most exciting gadgets on the Starship Enterprise. It’s a real thrill when we see Captain Kirk get teleported into an enemy camp while riding a motorcycle.
Transporter | Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki | Fandom
In 2151, the Enterprise (NX-01) was one of the first Earth Starfleet ships to be equipped with a transporter approved for transporting living beings. The crew initially distrusted the device, but over time they its use became more common. (ENT episode: "Broken Bow")
How Star Trek's Transporter Effect Actually Worked - /Film
Jan 25, 2022 · Could Star Trek's transporter actually be a reality or is it really just a "murdering clone-maker?"