slow cooking - Split pea soup won't soften. Any way to soften the …
Aug 16, 2016 · The first time I did it the peas softened just fine but the soup was scorched. I am trying again but at a lower heat, and the peas are refusing to soften. Ingredients are 1 bag each of split peas, frozen carrots, and frozen onions, plus a small amount of Spike seasoning. How can I soften the peas without scorching the soup?
Ham and Pea Soup with whole dried peas instead of split peas?
Whole peas will take longer to cook than split peas, but they won't ruin the soup. Split peas will also break apart more to thicken the soup, while whole peas will remain mostly intact. If you want a similar effect, you could use a stick blender to partially liquefy the soup after it's cooked.
Split Pea Soup, but peas aren't dissolving - Seasoned Advice
May 11, 2012 · I make split pea soup (with a hambone, which is an unavoidable source of salt - I don't add any extra salt until the very end) pretty regularly. I don't soak the peas. It takes more like 3 or 4 hours for the peas to dissolve.
How to get dried split peas to be equivalent to fresh peas
Aug 9, 2013 · The recipe asks for 4 cups of fresh green peas. In the recipe, they only need to be cooked for five minutes. I'm fairly certain that I wouldn't get the right consistency if I only cooked the dried peas for five minutes. How long should I soak, then boil the dried split peas for so that I can just treat them as fresh peas?
chemistry - Split pea stew HELP! - Seasoned Advice
May 3, 2023 · I am attempting to make split pea stew. It has cooked for a long time. The bag of split peas is new and it is organic. I did put lemon juice on the beef to tenderize it before the water boiled. Is ...
How do I soften home made Split Pea with crunchy Peas?
May 23, 2022 · I got some Split Pea Soup from my Fiance's Nannie, who got it from a friend. The soup tasted ok, but it was like really chunky like the spoon stood up on it's own. So I added water and reheated it. The water didn't help the Peas were Still Crunchy Please Help What do I do?
legumes - What's the difference between dried split peas and …
Mar 9, 2017 · Split peas are produced by simply drying the peas after they're harvested and then removing their skins. So the reason is that the snack peas are cooked while the split peas are essentially raw. The cooking process breaks down cell walls and makes the peas tender, even after they're roasted to draw out the moisture again.
How do I convert a weight of dried chick peas to volume of cooked?
The USDA guidelines for canning dried peas or beans (or here) gives the rule of thumb that 12 ounces of dried peas/beans produces 1 quart (32 fluid ounces) of canned product. That's a ratio of 3 oz dry per 8 fl oz cooked.
Split beans in a pressure cooker? - Seasoned Advice
Apr 8, 2016 · Split beans and peas are tricky to pressure cook and you should not be attempting this if you're new to pressure cooking. That's because you first need to learn how to regulate heat so that it's not too high at the beginning (which will shoot the beans through the vent, muck it up, and cause a dangerous situation) and during pressure cooking.
indian cuisine - How do you split Chickpeas? - Seasoned Advice
Oct 1, 2018 · What does it actually mean to split chickpeas and what is the method? The cookbook gives the following advice. Split Chickpeas--Chana Dal Similar to Moong dal and Urad dal, chana dal is obtained when Chickpeas are split and the skin removed. This dal is orange in color. But the chickpeas I can get have no indication of being split.