Else, Elses, Else's, Elses' - WordReference Forums
Aug 12, 2021 · //The possessive forms of somebody else, everybody else, etc., are somebody else's, everybody else's, the forms somebody's else, everybody's else being considered …
A person who takes over somebody else's working day
Jun 3, 2014 · Here, we'd call that "working as a temp", the last word standing for temporary. (Yes, that's an adjective; the word "worker" is understood to follow.)
be up - on somebody's ass / arse | WordReference Forums
Aug 4, 2006 · A guy asked about the meaning of "be on somebody's ass" and "be up somebody's ass" on the Italian-English forum and I replied reporting what the Cambridge dictionary says: …
"someone else" versus "another person" - WordReference Forums
Jun 29, 2009 · In fact, I would prefer "somebody else" because it sounds even less definite to me. If by "clear" you mean "explicit", all I can imagine doing to the sentence is using modals that …
It's always someone else's fault | WordReference Forums
Sep 2, 2020 · Hi all, In English is there an idiom or slang for saying "it's always someone else's fault"? for example: A: Peter said it was his friend's fault again! B: I'm not surprised. To him, …
somebody else/anybody else | WordReference Forums
Nov 15, 2008 · You'd better ask somebody else. For example Mary. Nobody else knows better than her. I agree with you, peptidoglycan Somebody has a shading of reference to a person …
somebody else's? - WordReference Forums
Mar 15, 2007 · In it he describes a spaceship that has an SEP field for a cloaking device (SEP stands for "Somebody Else's Problem" ). It doesn't make the ship invisible, it just makes …
ask, ask for, ask about name. | WordReference Forums
Nov 11, 2017 · Asking someone's name I asked him his name. Asking for someone's name. / Asking about someone's name. These two are perfectly grammatical, but they're used when …
resent somebody's doing something vs. resent somebody for …
Nov 18, 2019 · Greetings! My aim is to find out what influence "for" exerts on a gerund. For this purpose I've decided to consider the verb "resent". to resent smb doing sth …
somebody vs somebody else | WordReference Forums
Jul 18, 2016 · what are the difference between somebody and somebody else? Take somebody's stuff vs Take somebody else's stu