SO-122 - Tank Encyclopedia
Jun 2, 2018 · The SO-122 was a Yugoslav project developed between 1956 and 1966, consisting of an M4 Sherman armed with the 122 mm A-19 Soviet field gun.
The Russian SO-122 aka 2S1 Self Propelled Gun
The Russian SO-122 aka 2S1 Self Propelled Gun is a Cold War era artillery that was designated the M1974 by NATO after it was first spotted in a 1974 Polish Army parade, which also manufactured the vehicle, as well as Bulgaria.
Weapons Systems of the Former USSR & Russia: Fire Support
To operate with the 122 mm 2S1 (M-1974) self-propelled howitzer and the 152 mm M-1973 self-propelled gun/howitzer, the former Soviet Union has developed the Artillery Command and Reconnaissance Vehicle (ACRV) which is based on the chassis of the M-1974 but with a much larger superstructure.
Stalin's Weird Cousin | SO-122 Sherman - YouTube
Jan 17, 2022 · At the meeting of the Chief Military Expert Council held on the 4th of February 1956, it was decided to rearm one Sherman with the 122 mm A-19 gun, and to test whether this modification was...
南斯拉夫SO-122研发史 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
在设计so-122时,除了改进的发动机舱外,只有炮塔必须完全重建,其余部分没有变化。 在这个大型炮塔上安装100mm/122mm火炮的工作于60年代初开展。 由于采用了新改造的后置发动机舱,因此制造并测试了几种设计,并对几个设计的炮塔转向给予了极大的关注。
SO-122: a Yugoslavian upgrade of Sherman with a 122mm gun
Jun 22, 2018 · It's strengths were ease of production, a good (and reliable) power to weight ratio for the armor and firepower it boasted, and that it was skinny enough to fit onto a rail car... allowing it to scream in the logistics dept. You are correct …
Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia - Tank Encyclopedia
The SO-122 was much more ambitious project with the M4 armed with the Soviet 122 mm gun. A modified M4 powered by the Soviet T-34-85 engine. Source: https://www.srpskioklop.paluba.info/
Russian Self-Propelled Artillery - pmulcahy.com
The Russian designation is SO-122 or SAU-122, but it more commonly known to its crews as the Gvozdika (Carnation). It was sold far and wide, and current and former users number nearly 40, from Russia herself to Vietnam (though some users have as little as one example).
SO-122 (Sherman with 122mm A-19) : r/Warthunder - Reddit
Oct 15, 2021 · It was planned that all SO-122 would be equipped with the new domestic-built engine. Because the tests on the new V-2R engine were successful, a decision was made to use them instead for this modification.
Catainium's Tanks: SO-122 M-4 Self Propelled Artillery - Blogger
Dec 5, 2016 · The SO-122 was a Yugoslavian project mounting a Russian 122 mm gun into a turret on the Sherman it was based off of the M-634 tank. The project was cancelled after the gun was not able to elevate high enough for the artillery role.