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  1. Copilot Answer

    Keeping Flies Away - 15 Natural Fly Repellent Tips and …

    • This easy and natural fly repellent is quick to make and uses ingredients you likely already have around the house. Pour the ingredients into a spray bottle and mix well. Spray anywhere flies hang around whet… See more

    Lemon-Clove Bug Repellent

    This is one of our favorite homemade fly traps because it only requires two ingredients, plus it’s another one that smells great! Cut a lemon in half and stick cloves all o… See more

    Tips Bulletin
    Citronella Smoke

    You’re probably already familiar with citronella oil as a natural mosquito repellent, but the smoke from citronella candles can be effective against other insects, as … See more

    Tips Bulletin
    Start Outside

    Though it might seem that these flying pests appear out of nowhere, they are, of course, coming from outside. Though you can’t get rid of all of the insects in your yard and aroun… See more

    Tips Bulletin
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