SliTaz GNU/Linux (en)
Welcome to SliTaz. SliTaz is a secure and high performance operating system using the Linux Kernel and GNU software.
SliTaz - Downloads
Get SliTaz. Download the latest stable version for production purposes or a solid desktop environment. Use the Cooking version to test and help us improve the distribution.
SliTaz GNU/Linux 中文网站
SliTaz是一个免费的操作系统,它能在完全地内存中运行,也可以从CD-ROM、U盘等可移动介质中启动。SliTaz以LiveCD的形式发布,并且不超过30MB,快速、稳定而易用。SliTaz还拥有小巧、直观的桌面,以及易用的设置工具。 更多信息...
SliTaz - About the project
SliTaz is easy to use for Linux beginners: we provide a fully featured and modern desktop following the Freedesktop standards with home made tools that lets users graphically configure the entire system. The full system can even be controlled remotely with our web based configuration panel.
SliTaz - 系统文档 (cn)
SliTaz可以菜单-"System Tools"/"系统工具"-"SliTaz Installer"/“SliTaz安装工具”安装到硬盘或者USB盘. 而且全面支持硬盘安装.SliTaz live模式或精简模式下 系统可以运行在内存. 创建LiveUSB系统,你可以使用"System Tools"/"系统工具"里的"Tazusb LiveUSB Tool"工具,或者使用命令行 tazusb.
cn:start [SliTaz Doc]
Feb 24, 2018 · 这本指南能帮助你快速在Slitaz起步,可以帮助你把Slitaz改变成你需要的系统。 我们建议你首先阅读这本手册。 这本手册包括关于LiveCD指南,软件包管理,网络管理,系统管理的内容和一些软件的帮助。
SliTaz (cn) - Download
你可以下载最新的稳定版来得到一个稳定的桌面环境,满足日常生活需要。 或者使用开发版来测试心软件或者帮助我们改进SliTaz。
en:guides:start [SliTaz Doc]
Sep 23, 2020 · The SliTaz GNU/Linux quick start and complete guides by the community. You will find here specific guides to software, hardware or system configurations written by SliTaz users and contributors. These guides aim to provide concise and correct instructions.
SliTaz Forum
The SliTaz Forum is the place where you can get support, ask any questions about SliTaz, make requests, help others and get involved in a community group.
en:guides:newbie [SliTaz Doc]
Jan 31, 2013 · http:doc.slitaz.org : complete documentation on SliTaz Linux which realizes a specimen of Linux with all its main functions and without major concessions: Slitaz uses «root», «password» and «user» like most other serious Linux versions. All the stuff is detailed in the SliTaz Handbook.