First 24/7 Chinese Mandarin and Cantonese TV Station in North America. LA Channel 44.3 & 44.4; SF Channel 4.2 北美24/7國粵語中文電視頻道
About us | skylinktv
Sky Link TV is a U.S. Chinese entertainment and news distributor with three areas of prominence, TV, Digital and Content. Sky Link TV is on OTA (over the air) and MVPD (Multichannel Video Program Distributor) in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and nationally.
天下衛視 | United States | Sky Link TV
Sky Link TV, 24/7 Chinese Channel in San Francisco and Los Angeles. 北美第一華人雙語電視台
天下衛視 | San Francisco - Sky Link TV
《天下新聞》- 點此訂閱YOUTUBE 頻道 天下新聞給您帶來每天最新的灣區時事!關心天下時事,請鎖定天下衛視! 週一至週五: 晚上6:30
關於天下衛視 | skylinktv
2001年12月,「北美電視」正式更名為「天下衛視」(SKY LINK TV)。「天下衛視」主打戲劇,韓劇《大長今》創下收視熱潮,讓天下衛視家喻戶曉。之後又接連播出一系列受歡迎的韓劇, 在業界帶動韓劇風潮。還有許多膾炙人口的大陸戲劇, 像《滿清13王朝》、《喬家 ...
Sky Link TV San Francisco
Sky Link TV is the first 24/7 Chinese satellite TV station in the United States. Since its establishment in 1989, Sky Link TV has kept its leading positions, both in its scope of coverage and audience ratings, among all Chinese-language TV stations in the country.
天下衛視 | San Francisco - Sky Link TV
Sky Link TV IS NOT in any way associated with a company called Sky Link TV Antenna or Tilt TV, or any of its subsidiaries. Sky Link TV Los Angeles and San Francisco are 24 hours Chinese TV Broadcaster and the name “Sky Link TV” as well as its names, marks, emblems, and images are registered trademarks in the United States.
Los Angeles -24/7 Chinese Channel | skylinktv
Pasadena Rose Parade Sky Link TV is the only Chinese TV station that live broadcast Rose Parade in Mandarin and Cantonese since 2014.
洛杉磯 | skylinktv
頻道 Spectrum 1415 Charter Spectrum 353 Dish 9957 Sling TV SF 38.2 Spectrum 1415 Spectrum 1417
天下衛視三藩市節目表 - skylinktv
Program Guide for San Francisco Channel 4.2, Comcast 193