Sinaloa - Wikipedia
Sinaloa has on its license plates the image of a tomato, as the state is widely recognized for harvesting this particular fruit in great abundance from Los Mochis in the North to Culiacán in the central region of the state.
Tomato production in Mexico – Geo-Mexico, the geography of Mexico
In the winter season (October-May), growers in Sinaloa are the main producers and exporters of fresh tomatoes. Michoacán, Jalisco, and Baja California Sur also produce significant amounts in the winter season.
Tomato Producing Regions in Mexico - ProducePay
Jun 6, 2022 · Key tomato producing states in Mexico. The states that lead tomato production in Mexico are Sinaloa, San Luis Potosí, Michoacán, Jalisco and Baja California Sur with 53.3% of the national volume in 2021, or 1,772,966 tonnes.
throughout Mexico, large volume commercial field tomato production is seasonally concentrated in a few locations, most prominently, the north-western coastal State of Sinaloa (and to a much lesser extent southern Sonora) in December through April. The State of Baja California (formerly
Mexico: Tomato Annual | USDA Foreign Agricultural Service
Jun 4, 2021 · Tomato production in Mexico is forecasted to recover slightly from last year, on more stable weather and sufficient rainfall levels in Sinaloa, the top producing state. However, ongoing drought conditions throughout the country will provide some uncertainty to final production levels.
Monthly Column: Tomato— The Red Gold - Veggies From Mexico
Apr 26, 2024 · Dr. Eduardo Frias Sarmiento aptly titled his book on the history of tomato cultivation in Sinaloa “The Red Gold of Sinaloa.” In this objective historical review, Dr. Frias avoids flattery and instead captures the reality of tomato development in the state of this important crop.
"Sinaloa, tierra del tomate" - Noroeste
Nov 6, 2015 · En Sinaloa, el cultivo de tomate en invernaderos y casas sombra ha ganado importante terreno en los últimos años. La inversión en tecnología punta es cada vez más común entre los productores.
Sinaloa Map - Northern Mexico, Mexico - Mapcarta
Sinaloa is a state in Northern Mexico. It is the most important agricultural state in the Federation, which has earned it the nickname "the granary of Mexico".
(PDF) Halo-spot and external stem necrosis of tomato caused by ...
During the 2004-2005 growing seasons atypical symptoms were observed in tomato varieties grown in Sinaloa, consisting of external Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato has been observed in the fields in Sinaloa causing typical symptoms of bacterial speck.
Begomovirus) constitute a serious constraint to tomato production in Nicaragua. In this study, the complete nucleotide (nt) sequences of the DNA-A and DNA-B components were determined for the first time for Tomato leaf curl Sinaloa virus (ToLCSinV). In addition, the complete nt sequence was determined for the DNA-