Downloads for castaway stories - Mod The Sims
I'd installed default skin, eyes, some custom castaway/rugged clothes, to make sims in Castaway a bit more real without looking too cartoony. For mods, I'm not sure all mods for Sims 2 base …
Mod The Sims - Custom Content for Castaways Stories
The Sims Castaway Stories is based on the Sims 2 engine. The Sims 3 is a completely different game. Nothing can be shared between them easily. You'd basically have to create a brand …
Three types of tribal clothing with Castaway Stories textures
The footages are all from Castaway Stories but these dresses work in the regular Sims 2 too. These are outfits using textures from the spinoff Sims Castaway Stories game. There is a …
Mod The Sims - CC that looks similar to the clothing of Castaway ...
I just got Castaway and now I'm trying to find some good cc clothes that match the game (aka ripped and dirty or islandy) but I can't find anything. Maybe I'm just really bad at searching, but …
Felicity Island - Mod The Sims
I got the idea of creating Felicity Island from the same-named neighborhood from The Sims Castaway Stories. What got me into making this big island is, among many other things, the …
Castaway Stories Content for Sims 3 - Mod The Sims
I've been searching and searching for sims 2 castaway stories conversions to sims 3. I've found some; such as rugs, some beds, treasure items, and a few others but there is so much that I …
Castaway Maternity Defaults - BV Required - Mod The Sims
Most of my islander clothes don't have pregmorphs - do you know how silly sims look, walking around like they're nine months' pregnant, but with no belly? and the default outfits looked …
Recolours from Castaway Stories - Mod The Sims
CC/Mods used for screenshots: The collection of almost all the Castaway Stories conversions put together by meetme2theriver; Recolourable Holy Smoke stairs by Numenor; 3D Grass by …
Special Dark Skintone from The Sims Castaway Stories
I noticed that there's a speical dark skintone in The Sims Castaway Stories. But that skintone doesn't exist in The Sims 2. If you select a skintone in TSCS, it is equivalent of a "+1" skintone …
WCIF Castaway Style Clothes? - Mod The Sims
I'm looking for any clothing that looks like something a shipwrecked Sim would wear on a deserted island. Ripped and ragged, shoddy-looking stuff made out of leaves or other jungle …