Symbols of the European Union - Wikipedia
The European Union (EU) uses a number of symbols, including the Flag of Europe, Anthem of Europe, Motto of the European Union and Europe Day.
Symbols - European Union
Aug 9, 2010 · How the EU and its values are conveyed symbolically: EU flag, anthem and motto, Europe Day.
Flag of Europe - Wikipedia
Since 1985, the flag has also been a symbol of the European Union (EU), whose 27 member states are all also CoE members, although in that year the EU had not yet assumed its present …
Symbols of Europe - Wikipedia
The European Communities created additional symbols for itself in 1985, which was to become inherited by the European Union (EU) in 1993. Such symbols of the European Union now …
Euro Sign Symbol (€)
In plain language, this means twenty euros. The euro sign, €, is used to represent the euro, the official currency of the Eurozone in the European Union.
Simboli | Evropska unija - European Union
Sep 8, 2010 · Simboli, ki predstavljajo EU in njene vrednote: zastava EU, himna in slogan, dan Evrope.
EU flag - European Union
Sep 17, 2020 · See and download graphic versions of the EU flag, adopted as the official emblem of the EU in 1985. It symbolises the identity and unity of Europe.
The symbols of the European Union - CVCE
In 2004, the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe recognised all of these as official symbols of the European Union. Published in October 2011, this subject file is a new edition of …
The motto - The symbols of the European Union - CVCE Website
Like the other symbols, the motto clearly highlights the sense of European identity that is the birthright of every citizen of the Union, over and above the actual European Union.
European Union
Members of the European Union, Flag of the European Union, Number of stars on the flag, European symbols in the European Constitution, Unofficial flag. The European Union is a …
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