slavic - What type of god is Semargl? - Mythology & Folklore …
Feb 9, 2018 · Simargl or Semargl is a deity or mythical creature in East Slavic mythology, depicted as a winged lion or dog. The Zoryas, solar goddesses who are servants or daughters of the deity Dazhbog, keep Simargl chained to the star Polaris in the constellation Ursa Minor, to prevent him from breaking free and destroying the constellation, and causing ...
slavic - In what ways did the Rus worship their gods? - Mythology ...
Sep 5, 2017 · Simargl/Semargl: The god of fire and fertility. Mokosh: The goddess of fate and the protector of women in childbirth. She also watched over the weaving and spinning. Khors: The god of the solar disk. Veles: King of the underworld, harvests and cattle. Veles was separated from the other deities of the pantheon for some reason.
norse - Are there any known records of pagan worship in early …
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