Shralok Pack - Project 1999 Wiki
This bag is excellent for general use for any class for its low base weight, moderate weight reduction, flexibility to carry any item (GIANT) and cheap price. The item contains the "PENDING LORE" tag, implying that it would one day be restricted to one per character. This will not happen on the Blue or Green server at any point in time.
Vopuk Shralok - Project 1999 Wiki
In Highpass, he is a much more formidable Shaman who always drops his idol. When spawning in Highpass, he spawns by the zone line to Kithicor, high up on the rock to the right side. Either him, or a placeholder, are on a 4 min 45 second respawn timer (5min timer like rest of zone).
Recfek Shralok (Kithicor Forest) - Project 1999 Wiki
Used to spawn from any giant spider along the South wall but only one Recfek could be up at a time. The most popular spawn could be found at -794, 457 by the lake.
Shralok Pack :: Items :: EverQuest :: ZAM
Hey Guys, I've Been Camping This Area On And Off For A Few Days, Today I Got The Shralok Pack Twice. Here's My Guide To Your Success! There are 3 exceptionally rare spawns in the HHK Pass: Vopuk Shralok - drops shiny brass idol, misc crap.. Hagnis Shralok - dropps shiny brass halberd, ringmail tunic, misc crap...
Recfek Shralok : r/project1999 - Reddit
Apr 8, 2019 · Welcome! Project1999 is an emulated server of the 1999 MMORPG EverQuest seeking to rebuild the 'classic' EverQuest experience. Whether you are new to EverQuest or returning, this is the place! Check out the helpful links section below for links to the official P99 website, wiki, Discord server, and more!
Shralok - Project 1999
May 24, 2021 · Early green I farmed at least 70 Shralok packs and sold them via. Setting pet at his static spawn. And roaming around killing Giant spiders in the zone. Was pretty much how i made my early plat to afford gear. Originally Posted by drackgon [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.] He does 100%.
Vopuk Shralok :: Bestiary :: EverQuest :: ZAM
Sep 4, 2021 · This mob spawns at the southwestern corner of Kithicor Forest, along with the other members of the Shralok clan at /loc 25, -1100, -56. Respawn Timer: 4 minutes 50 seconds
Shralok Pack | The Al'Kabor Project - PoP era Everquest
May 3, 2023 · I recently tried camping a Shralok Pack for a couple new toons and got several DA idols, but no bags. The named spawn rate was adjusted recently if I remember correctly. (lol - January 2021 it seems - I could have sworn it was a lot more recent than that haha - …
Kithicor Forest - Project 1999 Wiki
Following the opening of the Plane of Hate, this zone changes to become much more dangerous, especially at night. From 8PM-6AM (in-game) ordinary NPCs (eg. Shralok Orcs) despawn*, and are replaced with numerous highly aggressive level 35+ …
To all the people starting from scratch.. - Project 1999
Mar 17, 2015 · I Highly recommend to EVERY noob to learn the Shralok Pack camp. On average you'll get 1x10 Giant Slow 25% Weight Redux bag that weighs less than a stone every hour. They say pending lore but I've had a couple characters with …