Which shotgun deal is best? | The High Road
Oct 30, 2009 · The best deal is the 835, but why would you get a goose/duck gun for grouse? you really need a 20 ga pump. If you really want a 12 get the "500" and pick up a short barrel. then you will have a gun for ducks/pheasant and a short brush gun for grouse/woodcock and maybe rabbits. Good luck! The "perfect" grouse gun is a .20 ga OU; the perfect goose/duck gun is a 3.5" 12 Ga pump/auto- not the same ...
Shotguns vs. Bears | The High Road
Jul 7, 2010 · Shotguns are the weapon of choice for most professionals who have to deal with problem bears after maulings, etc. A slug (or even heavy buck) has all the penetration needed for close range encounters with bears. Some of those guys also use iron sighted rifles. I recall an old .375 H&H cut down to 20" in use by one biologist a few years ago. But, most of them now carry shotguns and nothing ...
Shotgun slings for HD | The High Road
Jan 23, 2004 · What type of sling do you have on your HD shotgun? I was considering getting one of those tactical slings, but I don't know which one I should get because none of the local shops had any of them. I'm looking to put one on a Mossberg 500 20" with the longer 7 round tube mag.
New To Shotguns | The High Road
Mar 16, 2010 · I'm pretty much a rifle person, but I'm looking at getting my first shotgun in the very near future. I've done a little research to learn more about them, but I'm still learning. I'm definitely leaning towards the Mossberg line for quality/affordability. Again, this will be my first...
3 Gun Shotgun Recommendations | The High Road
Dec 16, 2010 · I am looking for a 3 gun shotgun. I have a Wingmaster 20, an A5 Browning (don't want to abuse it) and a 88 with two different barrels for HD. Any recommendations? I'm thinking semiauto Benelli, Beretta, FN, maybe even Mossburg. 750-1200 is …
Unusual shotgun - French? | The High Road
Dec 4, 2006 · I was recently in a flea market near Paris where I was offered an unusual shotgun. It was a 16 gauge SxS, in nice condition and appeared well made - BUT it was unusual in that it did not use firing pins and primered shells, rather it used some sort of …
Shotgun Shell Reloaders | The High Road
Aug 16, 2008 · Are there any shotshell reloaders here? I am just beginning to look into reloading shotgun shells. I am reading some manuals but was wondering about people's experiences and advice. Thanks.
YFA Tactical Shotgun Course | The High Road
Mar 5, 2003 · My son and I will be hosting a Yavapai Firearms Academy (Louis Awerbuck) Stage I Shotgun on June 27, 28 and 29 in Dewey, Arizona (about 25 minutes East of Prescott). This course is designed to create reflexive gunhandling, good marksmanship and tactical thinking. In addition it places strong...
Best Shotgun Ever? | The High Road
Dec 31, 2007 · What is the best shotgun ever put into production? American made or highly imported to US. Mass production shotguns, not custom jobs or handmade ones that no one has ever heard of. What shotgun has kept your confidence over the years.
Shotgun scope on a rifle? | The High Road
Aug 21, 2007 · Hey there, friends... Just yesterday, I picked up an H&R combo that includes three barrels, a 20 gauge smooth-bore, a 20 gauge, rifled slug barrel, and a .30-30 rifle barrel. The slug and rifle barrels have iron sights on them, which is fine …