Shoshonite - Wikipedia
Shoshonite is a type of igneous rock. More specifically, it is a potassium -rich variety of basaltic trachyandesite, [1] composed of olivine, augite and plagioclase phenocrysts in a groundmass with calcic plagioclase and sanidine and some dark-colored volcanic glass.
Shoshonite: Mineral information, data and localities. - mindat.org
Shoshonite grades into absarokite with an increase in olivine and into banakite with more sanidine. Shoshonite is found in field S2 in the TAS diagram. Commonly used as a synonym for a member of the Fayalite-Forsterite Series, but more generally and properly ... Please feel free to link to this page.
Characteristics and tectonic setting of the shoshonite rock association
Jan 15, 1980 · Shoshonitic rocks on continental margins are younger, stratigraphically higher and more distant from the oceanic trench than the high-K calc-alkaline or calc-alkaline suites, but there is a complete gradation between the suites. A similar zonation occurs in some island arcs.
The origin of shoshonites: new insights from the Tertiary high ...
Feb 27, 2014 · We describe a shoshonite suite of ultramafic through basaltic to granitic rocks in eastern Tibet that follow the Red River fault zone and its northern extension, the Batang-Lijiang fault system, a total strike length of over 1,500 km.
Shoshonite - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
The island arc alkali series volcanic rock is represented by the shoshonite association, which is a representative rock association of mature island arcs.
Geochronology and petrogenesis of shoshonitic igneous rocks…
Oct 1, 2015 · These deep geological and tectonic events in turn produced the shoshonite volcanic rocks in the Luzong Basin. 1. Introduction. The rock name ‘shoshonite’ was proposed by Iddings (1895) for orthoclase-bearing basalts from Yellowstone Park, USA.
Shoshonite Rock | History | Origin - Compare Nature
Shoshonite is a fine-grained, hard rock which is a type of metasomatite, essentially altered basalt. It forms with or without crystallization, either below the surface as intrusive rocks or on the surface as extrusive rocks.
Shoshonite | Volcano World | Oregon State University
A trachyandesite composed of olivine and augite phenocrysts in a groundmass of labradorite with alkali feldspar rims, olivine, augite, a small amount of leucite, and some dark-colored glass. Its name is derived from the Shoshone River, Wyoming and given by Iddings in 1895.
Primitive shoshonites from Fiji: Geochemistry and source …
Jul 1, 2009 · Fijian shoshonitic suites display a range of enrichment in large ion lithophile elements, Th, U, and P relative to rare earth elements and high field strength elements (HFSE), reflecting variable contributions by the subarc mantle source and subduction-related components.
Definition of shoshonite - mindat.org
A trachyandesite composed of olivine and augite phenocrysts in a groundmass of labradorite with alkali feldspar rims, olivine, augite, a small amount of leucite, and some dark-colored glass. Shoshonite grades into absarokite with an increase in …