shopnbc/evine host connie kunkle dies - Blogs & Forums
Dec 14, 2016 · My 36 yr. friendship with Connie began with Disney Entertainment in Florida, after which she starred on Broadway and touring companies, sang around the world and in recent years was a very popular and dynamic on-air host for ShopNBC (now Evine). Arrangements will be forthcoming. I know we all share in this shock and grief and are heartbroken.
ShopNBC - ShopHQ - Blogs & Forums
Nov 19, 2017 · Anyone else get an email revealing that ShopNBC is soon going to be called ShopHQ? Note the new name has a Q for one shopping channel and an H for another. What is going on? Did NBC want to distance itself from a shopping channel?
Why Did Kimberly Wells Leave HSN, Go To ShopNBC?
Jul 6, 2012 · I was flipping the channels between QVC and ShopNBC today and saw Kimberly Wells hosting. I know she's been on ShopNBC for a few months, but I don't know how long she's been there and why she left HSN. ShopNBC seems …
Does anyone know what the McCoys from shopnbc are up to?
May 5, 2014 · I wondered what ever happened to the seasoned hosts that shopnbc let go a few years ago. Some I see now and then as vendor reps on shopnbc like Carmella Richards and Laura Duffek. Never saw the McCoys again. They were almost always on together and it always seemed that Wes was crazy about his wife which I thought was so nice.
Is that Charla Rhines on Shop HQ right now? - Blogs & Forums
Jan 22, 2024 · It sure looks like her.....she's definitely had work done!
shopnbc/evine host connie kunkle dies - Page 2 - Blogs & Forums
Dec 14, 2016 · Connie was my favorite Evine host ever, she was beautiful and oh so much darn fun. I knew there had to be something radically wrong for Connie to leave her job without a word.
shopnbc/evine host connie kunkle dies - Page 6 - Blogs & Forums
via that link, the first connie kunkle listed is her personal page. that is where i got the initial news from and posted the tribute from her friend. as of right now, there are 224 messages on that tribute post alone AND 60+ other condolences on her main page. if you cannot see them then maybe it has to do with your personal facebook settings.
shopnbc/evine host connie kunkle dies - Page 3 - Blogs & Forums
Dec 14, 2016 · Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type.
ShopNBC jewelry, anyone shopped there???? - Blogs & Forums
Oct 7, 2011 · Does anyone like the Chuck Clemency jewelry that ShopNBC sells? I bought three heart pendants from him a few months back and they were very nice! They were an emerald, a sapphire and a ruby one. I just placed an order today for his 1 ct. 14K white gold anniversary ring that is on clearance at a terr...
Kendy Kloepfer is leaving ShopHQ - Page 4 - Blogs & Forums
News to me. I only watch ShopHQ when they have gold on. So that's about once a month. I vaguely remember her from ShopNBC days. I don't like her. She has a very harsh voice. Everyone else is new to me. They are pretty young. They aren't like Kendy, jumping from shopping network to another. I miss Lynn. But that's it. I shop for the gold, not ...