Dojo - Wikipedia
Many traditional dōjō follow a prescribed pattern with shomen (正面; "front") and various entrances that are used based on student and instructor rank laid out precisely. The Shomen is designated as a wall, usually in the North of the Dojo and facing the entrance. [4]
What is the Shomen in the dojo? | Kyoshin Ryu Karate Academy
What is the Shomen in the dojo? This week for our etiquette lesson we go to the front of the dojo – to the shomen. The top character of the kanji for shomen, sho, depicts a foot and with the center line representing travel in the right or proper direction.
12 Japanese Words You Need To Know For Karate - The Martial …
Shomen ni rei – [show men nee ray] literally means “bow to the front”, and denotes respect to all the practitioners that came before us (our instructor’s instructor and so forth) which is usually followed by, “Sensei ni rei” (bow to the teacher), this is followed by “Otagai ni rei” (bow to others), to show respect to all of your ...
Shomen - RKAGB
“Shomen” is broken down and translated (Sho) as (Tada)shii in Kunyomi meaning right, correct, in front, true and (Men) face, side. In all traditional dojo this is where the front wall is designated and is adorned with a miniature Shinto shrine (Kamidana) and often the national flag (Hata).
Dojo Protocol - Karate of Stanford
Shomen is the front wall of the room; sho means “true” and men means “face”. In traditional dojos, the kamiza (miniature Shinto shrine), hata (club’s flag), and dojo kun are placed at shomen, thus making it into a somewhat sacred area.
WHAT IS SHOMEN - Zahand's Martial Arts
Shomen is a commonly used word meaning “front” or “facade,” but it has special importance in the dojo, where it refers to one of the interior walls. The shomen can be any side of the training hall or ring except for one through which people enter or exit. The shomen orients the dojo in space.
What is the Shomen, and why do we bow? - CONLEY'S MARTIAL …
When we bow to the Shomen (which means front) it has a picture of my teacher and his teachers, we are simply acknowledging them and showing respect. There is also an American & Canadian flag (I have Dojos/schools in both the U.S. & Canada), and an Okinawan flag on it.
Dojo Layout | kendoinfo.net - WordPress.com
Jan 22, 2012 · Shomen-ni- rei is normally used as the instruction to bow to kamiza. This literally means bow to the front and the term shomen is used as a substitute for kamiza outside of Japan. The reason given is that kamiza has a religious connotation that may cause discomfort to members of monotheistic religions.
The Shomen – Part 2 – Aikido Shoshinkan
The Shomen is considered special or sacred (in the secular sense), and should be treated as such. For example, it is considered very rude to leave training bags, shoes, weapons, etc. at the front of the dojo along the Shomen wall.
「書面」の意味とは?メールも含まれる?「書面で提出」につい …
Jun 11, 2022 · 「書面」は、書かれた文字や趣意のこと、あるいは文書のことを指して使う言葉です。 「書面で提出する」「書面で公開する」「書面で申請する」などの使い方がよくされます。 正式に、紙に書いたものとして証拠となるような形で提出や申請をするというようなときによく用いられます。 あるいは、手紙の結びの文に「まずは書面(書中)にてご挨拶申し上げます」などと使うこともあります。 例文で確認しておきましょう。 【例文】 申告書を書面で提出 …