Shipova - Wikipedia
The shipova, scientific name × Pyraria irregularis, synonyms including × Sorbopyrus irregularis, is a hybrid of the European pear (Pyrus communis) and the common whitebeam (Aria edulis). [1]
How to Grow Shipova (Sorbopyrus sp.) - Practical Self Reliance
Mar 10, 2021 · Shipova is a unique perennial fruit that’s a cross between the European pear and rowanberry (also known as mountain ash). Though you might assume they’re a new species developed by modern plant breeders, they’ve actually been cultivated in Central and Western Europe for centuries.
Shipova (Bollwiller Pear) – Uncommon Fruit
Jun 30, 2013 · Shipova fruit is about two inches in diameter and somewhat flattened, like an Asian pear. It is self-fertile but generally produces larger crops when planted beside pear trees that bloom at the same time. Shipova may also cross pollinate with mountain ash trees.
Shipova European Pear - Raintree Nursery
A unique and exciting European pear and mountain ash cross from Yugoslavia, Shipova will grow to be a 15'+ tree and produces a nice crop of medium-sized, yellow, round, flavorful fruit. When fully ripe, the slick, sweet flesh has a hint of tropical guava or mango to it; as it ages the texture softens and the flavor builds to a rich marzipan!
An uncommon harvest: The Shipova - Dave's Garden
Nov 11, 2008 · Shipova fruit is small, (about two inches in diameter) and somewhat flattened (much like Asian pears). Its skin color is a blending of golden yellow, light brown, and a reddish blush on the side of the fruit exposed to direct sun. The …
Shipova Mt. Ash Hybrid - One Green World
A unique hybrid of Mountain Ash and Pear, Shipova Mt. Ash Hybrid bears round, yellow-orange fruit, about the size of a large apricot. Quite delicious, the sweet, seedless fruit has a delicate, rose-like aroma. Shipova forms a pyramidal-shaped tree with attractive, grayish-green foliage.
Baby Shipova Mt. Ash - One Green World
This newly rediscovered Baby Shipova Mt. Ash variety features fruit similar to Shipova, but on a much smaller tree. This attractive variety is very early bearing and produces good crops of delectable, yellow-orange fruit.
about the Shipova tree – Elisabeth C. Miller Library
Shipova is both a common name and a cultivated variety of x Sorbopyrus auricularis. The letter x means it is a cross between Sorbus aria (whitebeam, a species of mountain ash) and Pyrus (European pear).
Shipova - Baby - Willow Creek Permaculture
The Baby Shipova, a hybrid between Pear and Mountain Ash features fruit similar to Shipova, but on a much smaller tree. This attractive variety is very early bearing and produces good crops of delectable, yellow-orange fruit.
Shipova - West Coast Agroforestry
Shipova (x Pyraria irregularis, formerly x Sorbopyrus irregularis) is an incredibly unusual, intergeneric hybrid plant. It arises from a cross between a European pear (Pyrus communis) mother and a whitebeam (Aria edulis, formerly Sorbus aria) father.