Discover the revolutionary shipping features that have made ShipOn the go-to platform for thousands of businesses worldwide. Expand your reach globally, save big domestically, and boost productivity with smart automation
Discover the revolutionary shipping features that have made ShipOn the go-to platform for thousands of businesses worldwide.
ShipOn Protection Plan
Protection plan is the protection offered by ShipOn to cover perishable items. It will cover up to $500 but is limited to the market value of the shipment. This is determined by the invoice, packing slip, or market reference. We only offer this plan for Priority Overnight Shipments.
Terms of Service - shipon.com
Welcome to ShipOn.com. USMG Inc, doing business as ShipOn.com, is a US-based shipping company doing domestic and international business for sellers and buyers. Throughout the website (shipon.com), the terms “ShipOn”, “we”, “us” and “our” refer to ShipOn.com.
Contact us - SHIPon
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Terms and Conditions - SHIPon
USMG Inc, doing business as ShipOn.com (“ShipOn”, “we”, “our” and “us”), is the operator of https://shipon.com (the “Website”). The Website is designed to provide assistance to users (“users”, “customer” and “you”) in creating and managing shipments (“Shipment”).
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Privacy Policy - shipon.com
ShipOn is committed to protecting your privacy. It governs the Privacy Terms of our Platform, located at https://shipon.com. This Privacy Policy explains how your personal information is collected, used, and disclosed by our Company.
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