WHITE BELT TOURNAMENT KUNG FU PUNCTUATION – RED BELT Lesson Objectives To learn the Kung Fu moves for seven punctuation marks. To use these moves in a game of Kung Fu punctuation. Full Stop Throw a short, right-handed punch at the air in front of you.
Kung Fu Punctuation [autosaved] | PPT - SlideShare
Jan 22, 2016 · This document outlines an activity to teach punctuation marks through "Kung Fu Punctuation". It aims to help students identify different punctuation marks and learn to use them appropriately.
Chinese Martial Arts | PPT - SlideShare
Mar 17, 2016 · The document provides an overview of various martial arts styles that originated in China and other Asian countries. It discusses the Shaolin and Wudang styles of kung fu, which developed at important monasteries and training centers in China. It also mentions basics of kung fu belt ranks and routines.
Kung Fu Punctuation. - ppt download - SlidePlayer
Download ppt "Kung Fu Punctuation." THE MOVES FULL-STOP: Punch – ‘HA’. QUESTION MARK: Swish-punch – ‘Shi Shi Shi Ha’. EXCLAMATION MARK: Slice-punch – ‘Shi-HA’. COMMA: Low-slice – ‘Shi’. APOSTROPHE: High-slice – Ding’. Colon – used to start a list – two punches, one above the other – ‘ha-ha’ Semicolon – one punch, slicing move underneath ‘ha – shi’.
Kung-Fu of China | PPT - SlideShare
Mar 10, 2009 · Key events include: 1) The first emperor, Shi Huangdi, builds a strong centralized government and rules using a strict legalist system with harsh punishments to bring China under his control. 2) Shi Huangdi orders the construction of a massive Great Wall along northern borders for defense and to symbolize Chinese power and unity.
Kung Fu and Chinese Martial Arts - ppt download
Presentation on theme: "Kung Fu and Chinese Martial Arts"— Presentation transcript: 1 Kung Fu and Chinese Martial Arts 功夫和中国武术
PPT - Kung Fu PowerPoint Presentation, free download - ID:8962488
Nov 7, 2019 · Kung Fu, is a skill for protection, it's a tradition from the ancient China. It's also an expression of art, it started thousand of years ago. It is a great spirit that lasts forever.
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Dec 31, 2024 · 點擊課程公告區,往下滑就能看到課程作業、重點PPT和補充學習資料喔.
Kung Fu | PPT - SlideShare
Oct 16, 2016 · O Kung Fu é uma arte marcial chinesa com mais de 3500 anos de história, originada das observações dos animais e das lutas entre humanos e animais selvagens. O estilo Shaolin de Kung Fu se desenvolveu no mosteiro Shaolin após Bodhidharma introduzir exercícios para unir mente e corpo.
PPT - A Brief History Of Kung Fu PowerPoint Presentation
Apr 28, 2016 · Kung Fu is one of the most integral parts of the Chinese culture. The people here have placed great values in the training because they believe it teaches respect, endurance, humility, and morals. A lot of Americans consider Kung Fu to be a single martial art, more like Taekwondo, Aikido, or Judo.