Shaiya Quest Line UOF
Jan 11, 2020 · By talking to Moose Kayten, you can select 9 different quest scrolls for Arguila Ruin.
Shaiya - Fawkes
Join the Dark or Light forces and emerge victorious in massive scale combats. Go ultimate-mode and prove yourself against permanent death. Fight for faction-wide buffs that affects everyone, even if you don't like PvP! Fantasy-themed MMORPG with intense, faction-based combat and strategic gameplay.
Table of Quests for the Union of Fury | Shaiya Wiki | Fandom
UoF: 1 A 1 Aridon Guard: Talent Test (Part One) Kill Mobs Kill: Small Jaw Dappled Spider: 5: 50 330 2 UoF: 1 A 1 Aridon Guard: Talent Test (Part Two) Kill Mobs Kill: Rough Ground Tiny Wild Boar: 5: 100 520 3 UoF: 1 A 1 Aridon Captain: Vail's village Aridon: Walking Job Talk to: Paphala Karniel: 10 4 UoF: 1 A 1 Niflheim Blitch: The First Step of ...
Union of Fury - Shaiya Wiki
Sep 26, 2018 · Level Weapon Attribute Attack Speed Execution Location; 1: Throwing Spear: 25-35 Slow: normal Noble: Start Monster NPC: 1: Novice Sharp Javelin STR +3, DEX +3: 51 - 62 Slow: Special: 0 Slots (non tradable): Lvl 1 Beginners Pack
Shaiya Game Of Thrones Ep 6
Welcome to join our unique built private server. Our staff is working on server daily to make it the best around. We are happy to see you! When you start on our server you get an welcome …
Shaiya Website
We are committed to providing a stable and sustainable server crafted with the best items, exciting quests, and challenging PvP encounters that Shaiya has to offer. Game Features
shaiya-the-game - Fawkes
Choose to align with either the Alliance of Light or the Union of Fury in a struggle to control the blessing of the goddess. Participate in massive player versus player (PvP) battles and unlock powerful abilities in the ultimate mode if you can avoid the perma-death. Fantasy-themed MMORPG with intense, faction-based combat and strategic gameplay.
Quests in Keuraijen | Shaiya Wiki | Fandom
Travel to Meteora North Port and speak with Razum. He will tell tales of the Lighties invading our regions and set you on a quest to the Lighties camp to kill 7 White Lion Warriors. You can find the camp at the far NorthWest corner of the map at the end …
Shaiya - MMORPG.com
Dec 24, 2007 · Shaiya is a free-to-play fantasy MMORPG from Nexon and Aeria Games set in a world at war between the forces of Light and Darkness. Players must choose between the factions of the Alliance of...
Quest - Shaiya Wiki | Fandom
Quests are missions or tasks that a character can actively seek out to gain a reward. For a sortable table of quests , see Table of Quests. Characters must usually meet a Level requirement before a quest will become available.