Set up or change a voicemail greeting - Android - Google Help
You can record a custom greeting for your voicemail or use the default greeting for Google Voice. Record up to 10 voicemail greetings and select the one that you want callers to hear.
Set up your voicemail - Android - Google Fi Wireless Help
Voicemail is set up on your phone automatically, and you can check your voicemail on your phone without any extra steps. However, to check your voicemail from another phone, you need to turn on voicemail access from any phone and set a PIN.
Set up or change a voicemail greeting
You can record a custom greeting for your voicemail or use the default greeting for Google Voice. Record up to 10 voicemail greetings and select the one that you want callers to hear.
Call Google Voice to check voicemail
To access your voicemail, you must first set up a voicemail PIN. To learn how to check your voicemail from the Google Voice app, visit Check your voicemail in Google Voice.
Send Google Voice calls to voicemail
When people call your Google Voice number and you don't answer, the calls go to voicemail. You can also send calls directly to voicemail without ringing your number. Voicemails can be up to 3 minutes
Set up your voicemail - iPhone & iPad - Google Fi Wireless Help
Turn on Voicemail by texts. How to set up Live Voicemail A new feature in iOS 17 called Live Voicemail lets you read or listen to a voicemail while a caller leaves it. A transcript of the call appears on your screen. You can also choose to answer the phone in the middle of the voicemail. To set it up: Go to your iPhone Settings.
Send your mobile phone calls to Google Voice voicemail
To send busy or unanswered calls to your Google Voice voicemail, set up this feature on your mobile number. Each mobile phone carrier uses a set of star (*) commands to turn conditional call forwarding on or off.
Set up Google Voice
Read voicemail transcripts in your inbox and search them like emails. Personalize voicemail greetings. Make international calls at low rates. Get protection from spam calls and messages. Block unwanted callers. Screen calls before you answer. Google Voice saves and processes your call, text, and voicemail information.
How to check your voicemail - Phone app Help - Google Help
The voicemails aren't permanently stored by Google and are stored on your phone. If you turn off voicemail transcription, the recordings and transcriptions from your Phone app are deleted. You can donate your voicemail transcripts and recordings to …
Set up a Voice automated attendant for your organization
As an administrator, you can set up Google Voice to direct callers to the correct people or departments in your organization. This automated attendant (auto attendant) plays messages and lets callers choose options.