Bioswale & Detention Basin Seed Mix | Prairie Nursery
Designed for basin or swales that are flooded for 24 – 48 hours, this seed mix is particularly well suited for loam and clay soils. For detention basins in sandy soils, we recommend our Tall Prairie for Dry Soils Seed Mix.
Bioswale Seed Mix - Spence Restoration Nursery
A mix of grasses, sedges and forbs suitable for swales utilized to convey storm water. This mix will do well in areas that are wet during and soon after storms, but dry down between rain events.
This new formulation of our Swale mix is designed with a lower height profile for plantings where lines of sight are important, such as high traffic areas and parking lots. This mix also contains more sedges and rushes by seed count for a denser grass matrix.
Native Swale - Sunmark Seeds
3 days ago · Native Vegetated Swale is a broad, shallow channel, densely planted with a variety of trees, shrubs, and grasses. They are designed to attenuate and in some cases infiltrate runoff from adjacent impervious surfaces, allowing pollutants to settle out in the process.
Best suited for drainage swales or depressions, the native plants used in this mix help filter pollutants from lawns and pavement runoff. This seed mix can also be applied to areas that temporarily retain water after a rain event or dry-bottomed detention basins.
Swale and Basin Mix 30/20 - Taylor Creek Restoration Nurseries
Designed to handle flashy swales and basins. Heavy on grass-like species, with showy, adaptable flowering species suitable for areas with sporadic wet-dry periods.
Native Water Quality - Sunmark Seeds
3 days ago · Native Water Quality is a salmon friendly native mix will perform well in the bottom of drainage swales, storm water retention ponds, and bio-filtration swales. This mixture will range from the continuously wet lowlands up into the riparian zone, offering erosion control and habitat development. Call for Current Price Seed Rate 1 lb. per 1000 ...
Swale Enhancement Mix - Agrecol Native Nursery
Swales are areas such as ditches, waterways and depressions that receive storm water runoff. Our Infiltration Swale seed mix can enhance these areas by providing beauty and function. This special mix of 13 wildflowers can be used to add color and interest to existing sites.
RP11 Swales, Pond & Bankside Grass Seed Mix (20kg Pack) …
Using this mix in a swale will help reduce runoff, reduce soil erosion & reduce water pollution. During heavy rainfalls, it will reduce downstream flooding . RP11 Swales, Pond & Bankside Grass Seed Mix (20kg Pack) (RP11) (RP7) (SW3). Grass Seed mix will hold banks together with creeping elements.
Mix 212 - Northern Bioswale Mix - Roundstone Native Seed …
Mix 212 (Northern Bioswale Mix) is designed for bioswales with the environmental conditions of the northeastern tier states with dry to wet soils. The amount of seeds per pound of each species in the mix has been calculated using the number of seeds per pound of each species factored by environmental parameters.
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