Seating Depth Testing - Long Range Hunting Forum
May 16, 2020 · Depth# 7 is where I have been seating for the last 150 rounds, depth#9 is touching the lands. Of course to be really meaningful more rounds would be needed, but I thought I would see what correlation if any there was in seating depth and vertical poi.
Preferred seat depth, 6.5 Hornady 140 ELD M - Long Range …
May 1, 2011 · Preferred seat depth, 6.5 Hornady 140 ELD M. Thread starter milo-2; Start date Jun 6, ...
Primer Seating Depth Test | Long Range Hunting Forum
Jun 11, 2010 · So if your primer pocket depth is .130, and your primer thickness is .125, you'd need to be 5 thousandths below flush to have anvil contact. If your anvil protrudes 10 thousandths from the top of the cup, then you know you can go to 15 thousandths below flush before you have full crush and the cup contacts the bottom of the pocket.
Seat depth, what is really being tuned? - Long Range Hunting Forum
Jun 5, 2019 · I think for me seating depth is a bullet particular parameter and finding exactly where that bullet, and that depth with a specific charge plays well together while jiving with barrel harmonics. The ol" rabbit hole of reloading!!
Pressure changes with seating depth | Long Range Hunting Forum
Dec 18, 2018 · I have measured relatively subtle differences in velocity (pressure) with seating depth. Someone with QuickLoad can probably give a more thorough answer. As you seat longer, you lose velocity. PV=nRT. Since n, R, and T are mostly fixed for a given charge weight, then if V goes up (less bullet in the case), P (velocity) goes down.
300 Win Mag seating depth | Long Range Hunting Forum
Apr 12, 2014 · I am reloading for my Savage Weather Warrior 116 in 300 Win Mag. Based on a 180 grain Nosler Accubond the COAL is 3.580 touching the lands (split neck case method). The detachable magazine will only allow a 3.48 COAL. The recommended max COAL is 3.340. Will the .100 jump affect the...
Bullet seating depth the easy way | Long Range Hunting Forum
Apr 29, 2004 · Seat a bullet long into a case to engage the lands. Seat the bullet with the bolt and then remove said bolt. Push the dummy round out of the chamber (from the muzzle) with a cleaning rod that has the brush/jag removed. This is the most repeatable and accurate method I have ever seen since it uses the bolt force to seat the round vice finger ...
Seat depth, what is really being tuned? - Long Range Hunting Forum
Feb 26, 2019 · Find what seat depth it's seeming to like and load up my ladder test to identify what powder charges to further investigate. Once I get charge dialed in I circle back to seat depth. A lot of times I end up close to my initial seat depth but on a few occasions I've ended up moving .040" and once I ended up redoing the whole Berger/Litz test and ...
Seating Depth Informative Thread - Long Range Hunting Forum
Jun 30, 2013 · In my opinion and experience, seat length is the biggest factor in a load and rifle's group size. Powder charge controls your velocity and seating depth controls your accuracy, for the most part. There are of course rules to this and there are exceptions, but generally speaking, seating depth controls your group size and pattern if everything ...
minimum seat depth - Long Range Hunting Forum
Apr 26, 2014 · so I have heard the rule of thumb that i have been using that the bullet should be seated at least one bullet diameter into the neck, How crucial is this? Trying to load VLDs for my 25-06 in order to stretch out to the lands i only achieve about 0.180 into the neck so quite a bit short of 0.257...