Tips & Tricks - scorch mark painting - Jedi Council Forums
May 9, 2008 · Any body have any tips for painting blaster scorch marks? Onto fabrics or onto props/plastics? Props and armour. Few different ways I can think of. Matte Black spray paint, black acrylic or charcoal suspended in a clear base through an air brush, pastels sealed with a few coats of spray matte coat, brush and Matte Black paint...
Comprehensive Weathering guide for hard armor - 405th
Oct 26, 2023 · Burnt Paint/Scorch Marks Blowtorch: I have used this method before, and it's just when you scorch your part with a blowtorch to give it the blackened effect. Theoretically, you can use a lighter, but it won’t be as fast.
Anyone have good techniques for painting blast marks?
Looking to paint some simple blast or burn marks on my ISDs hull, battle scars make everything feel more personal, and I've been through a lot of battles with old Basilisk so I figured some roughing up would be appropriate.
Weathering Cardboard Armor : 3 Steps - Instructables
Step 2: Blaster/Scorch Marks Start with using black spray paint, or an airbrush with black paint and spray the shape of your scorch mark onto your thing. After that has dried, dent the middle of the scorch mark with something such as the back end of a paintbrush.
I need help with blaster/scorch marks - RPF Costume and Prop …
Aug 5, 2012 · I have unsuccessfully searched this forum, Youtube, and Google for what I need so I'm asking for help, I am putting the finishing touches on an Iron Man/Boba Fett mashup helmet and would like to do a scorched blaster mark instead of the dent on the forehead.
Blast marks?? | RPF Costume and Prop Maker Community
Feb 21, 2005 · Best advice is practice practice practice, either on an old kit, or slap together some kind of scratchbuilt panel with grooves and details, paint it up with your intended basecoats, then cover it in blast marks.
How to Paint Everything – Battle Damage - Goonhammer
Nov 3, 2023 · How to paint different types of combat damage in armor – frag scarring, bullet holes, and impact craters. How to paint heat staining on metal and burns on cloth. How to paint combat damage for skin, such as bruises, gashes, and minor cuts and scrapes. Bullet Holes - Click to Expand.
Scorch marks and dents: any suggestions? : r/Gunpla - Reddit
Dec 15, 2015 · I've got weathering powder that you rub on to adhere it to a flat-coated surface, but what I'd like to do is just show scorches and impacts. Think "a shell bounced off this armor and dented it, leaving a little bit of a scorch behind" rather than "a beam or bullet has penetrated the armor and left a hole."
[Help] How can I make blaster damage from Star Wars such as ... - Reddit
Paint, identify your impact point and if you want a streak like the blaster bolt skidded off the armor, make your gouge to the material and then paint with a flat black acrylic or rattle can. After …
Is there a good approach to implementing battle damage to …
Apr 2, 2021 · I’ll probably just add bullet scorch marks on the armor. The simplest approach is take your texture into a paint program and simple erase areas with an eraser, save it out as a PNG (make it a different texture).