What is a Sclerotomy? - News-Medical.net
Oct 15, 2018 · A sclerotomy is a surgical procedure that creates an incision in the sclera of the eye. This procedure is normally performed to correct scleral defects that arise as the result of ocular diseases...
Sclerotomy - Wikipedia
Sclerotomy is a medical intervention that involves surgical cutting in the white area of the eye, known as the sclera. [1] The goal of this intervention is usually done to correct defects in sclera that resulted as a complication of glaucoma of other ocular diseases. [2] Sclerotomy can be divided into anterior sclerotomy and posterior ...
Deep Sclerectomy - EyeWiki
The CLASS approach is utilized after constructing a partial thickness scleral flap, as is done in traditional NPDS. The scanning CO 2 laser system (IOPtiMate) is then used to create the deep scleral flap and unroof Schlemm’s canal. The infrared CO 2 laser is safe and self-regulated in that it is absorbed and blocked by aqueous solutions, preventing penetration into the eye.
A Suture Technique for Leaking Sclerotomies - Retina Today
We strongly recommend suturing sclerotomy wounds that show any degree of leakage after cannula removal to prevent hypotony and reduce the risk of endophthalmitis. With this technique, vitreoretinal surgeons can suture leaking sclerotomies without the concern of postoperative patient discomfort.
Sclerotomy - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
A sclerotomy, which can be performed with a blade or laser, would give the lens more room for accommodation. Physiologic studies have shown, however, that the lens does not have increased space to move and, additionally, does not move equatorially.
Sclerotomy | definition of sclerotomy by Medical dictionary
anterior sclerotomy the opening of the anterior chamber of the eye, chiefly done for the relief of glaucoma. posterior sclerotomy an opening made into the vitreous through the sclera, as for correction of detachment of the retina or the removal of a foreign body.
SCLEROTOMY Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster Medical
3 days ago · The meaning of SCLEROTOMY is surgical cutting of the sclera.
Sclerotome Definition and Examples - Biology Online Dictionary
Jul 23, 2021 · In surgical procedure, the term sclerotome is an instrument (knife) used for sclerotomy (an incision through the sclera). The sclera is the the tough, white outer coat of the eyeball.
Sclerotomy - Wikiwand
Sclerotomy is a medical intervention that involves surgical cutting in the white area of the eye, known as the sclera. The goal of this intervention is usually ...
Choroidal Effusions - American Academy of Ophthalmology
Nov 1, 2012 · Good scleral flap architecture and thickness, multiple sutures on the flap to regulate aqueous outflow, use of cautery to achieve hemostasis, judicious use of antimetabolites, placement of anterior sclerotomy to avoid the ciliary body, and meticulous closure of the conjunctiva are all important measures to minimize intraoperative bleeding and ...