The splicing factor SC35 has an active role in transcriptional ...
Jul 20, 2008 · Whereas most studies have focused on how RNA processing machineries take advantage of the transcriptional apparatus to efficiently modify nascent RNA, here we report that a well-studied splicing...
Splicing regulator SC35 is essential for genomic stability and cell ...
We show that loss of SC35 in mouse embryonic fibroblasts induces G2/M cell cycle arrest and genomic instability, resulting at least in part from p53 hyperphosphorylation and hyperacetylation.
SC35 autoregulates its expression by promoting splicing events …
SC35 belongs to the family of SR proteins that regulate alternative splicing in a concentration‐dependent manner in vitro and in vivo. We previously reported that SC35 is expressed through alternatively spliced mRNAs with differing 3′ …
The splicing factor SC35 has an active role in transcriptional ...
Whereas most studies have focused on how RNA processing machineries take advantage of the transcriptional apparatus to efficiently modify nascent RNA, here we report that a well-studied splicing factor, SC35, affects transcriptional elongation in a gene-specific manner.
The SC-35 Splicing Factor Interacts with RNA Pol II and A-Type …
Feb 1, 2021 · In the interphase cell nuclei, SC-35 interacted with the phosphorylated form of RNAP II, which was A-type lamin-dependent. In mitotic cells, especially in telophase, the SC35 protein formed a well-visible ring in the cytoplasmic fraction and colocalized with β-catenin, associated with the plasma membrane.
SC35 promotes sustainable stress-induced alternative splicing of ...
Aug 23, 2005 · In cotransfections of COS-1 and HEK293 cells with an AChE minigene allowing 3′ splice variations, SC35 facilitated a shift from the primary AChE-S to the stress-induced AChE-R variant, while...
Identification and Characterization of the scl Gene Encoding a …
Here, we report the identification and characterization of a gene encoding an extracellular protein that participates in adherence of the pathogen to host epithelial cells and contributes to virulence, as assessed by subcutaneous inoculation of mice.
Differential dynamics of splicing factor SC35 during the cell cycle
Sep 1, 2008 · We analysed the dynamics of the splicing factor SC35 in interphase and mitotic cells. In HeLa cells expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP)-SC35, this was localized in speckles during interphase and dispersed in metaphase. In telophase, GFP-SC35 was highly enriched within telophase nuclei and also detected in MIGs.
We have identified multiple lineage-restricted DNase I hypersensitive sites in a 45 kb region spanning the murine SCL locus. Committed erythroid cells and CD34 positive primitive myeloid cells...
The SCL gene is formed from a transcriptionally complex locus.
We describe the structural organization of the human SCL gene, a helix-loop-helix family member which we believe plays a fundamental role in hematopoietic differentiation. The SCL locus is composed of eight exons distributed over 16 kb.