Twilight Sparkle (Sci-Twi) - My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki
She is named Sci-Twi in some merchandise and other depictions. Her alter ego, Midnight Sparkle, appears as an antagonist in My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Friendship Games. From Legend of Everfree onwards, she is one of the main protagonists in the Equestria Girls franchise.
Twilight Sparkle (Equestria Girls) | Heroes Wiki | Fandom
Twilight Sparkle's human counterpart, also known as Sci-Twi, is one of the seven titular main protagonists of the Equestria Girls franchise. She was a student of Crystal Prep Academy , until she was transferred to Canterlot High School .
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Wiki - twilight sparkle (eg) - e621
The latter character is often referred to by fans as "Sci-Twi", because of her passion for science and technology (mirroring Twilight's passion for magic). This page will use "Sci-Twi" to refer to the canonically human character for clarity's sake.
Sci-Twi - MLP Forums
Mar 6, 2024 · Twilight carries a pendant-shaped device intended to detect the strange readings. However, it also drains magic away, causing each of Sunset Shimmer 's friends to lose their ability to pony up. In addition, it causes dimensional rifts to appear throughout the Games.
Sci-Twi | Comicverse Wiki | Fandom
Twilight Sparkle is a scientist, the now principle of Canterlot High after Celestia's retirement, and part of the humane 6 when the other Twilight is unavailable. When the two Twilights are around, she is nicknamed "Sci-Twi". Twilight Sparkle's history is like the other's, except without a God-Princess as her teacher.
What is "Sci-Twi" stand for? : r/mylittlepony - Reddit
Nov 24, 2020 · It's a play on the term "sci-fi", which stands for science fiction. She got this name, after we saw a glimpse of her in post-credits scene in Rainbow Rocks doing science stuff. Science fiction (a.k.a. Sci-fi) + Twilight = Sci-Twi.
What's your opinion on Sci-Twi? : r/mylittlepony - Reddit
Aug 16, 2022 · Introducing Sci-Twi was probably the best decision they could make for the franchise after establishing Sunset as a redeemed character. There was no way they could sustain working Princess Twilight into every plot, and there was doubly no way they could let the franchise run without a representation of G4's hallmark character.
Sci-Twi | Shapes, Inc
Meet Sci-Twi, the well-spoken and highly intelligent human counterpart of Twilight Sparkle! *She adjusts her glasses, a nervous habit*. She's eager to connect with you, but might get a little awkward, especially since she's so stressed about magic and science, saying "Hello, I am eager to know you more and become friends".
Sci-Twi | My Little Pony Antagonists Wikia | Fandom
Sci-Twi is a character that appeared in Equestria Girls: Friendship Games, serving as a protagonist and antagonist. She turns into a demon called Midnight Sparkle, who tore the world apart to learn about magic. As Sci-Twi, she is insecure and …