Savage Model 29 - Rimfire Central Firearm Forum
Jan 18, 2017 · No, most yes, but not all, Savage did not increase the locking surface on the 29's, just addressed supporting the base of the case more. John Gyde who co-authored the recent book on Remington 22's does not think Model 12' should be shot with Hi-Speed (I have seen bolts for these with the locking lug broke off the bolt but I can't say if ...
Savage Model 29B - Rimfire Central Firearm Forum
Apr 9, 2012 · Very similar to my M29 Premier Trail Blazer. I've been toying with the idea of refinishing the stock. It's not so much because of the dark original finish, but the grooves in the forestock are not sealed and the dry wood seems to give off a bit of powder. I've added some linseed oil to the grooves, which has helped.
Savage M29 - Rimfire Central Firearm Forum
May 21, 2006 · 6) The outside appearence of the 29 and 29-A/29-B are visably different in the slide release button. It is interesting to note that the 1933 version of the 29 is pictured in all the post war catalogs till 1950. This was nothing new for Savage. You can't believe the catalog pictures. 7) The 29-A change was made before the war.
Pre-WWII Savage 29-A ID? - Rimfire Central Firearm Forum
Aug 14, 2015 · Based on some good information serial numbers started at 1000, so yours is very early. The barrels & receivers of the first ones were marked with the Model 29 stamps and the '-A' was added, yours looks like it has the corrects 29-A receiver stamp, but the barrel has the added '-A', they either had more barrels in stock or it took them longer to make a …
Savage 29B pump - Rimfire Central Firearm Forum
Jul 13, 2018 · The original Savage M29 was introduced in 1929. It was redesigned in about 1938 and the designation changed to M29A. Sometime after WWII it was slightly redesigned and became known as the M29B. This version was last catalogued in 1967, but some were probably assembled for a few years later.
Stevens 75 22lr - Rimfire Central Firearm Forum
Feb 21, 2007 · IMHO, the Savage M29 was a Deluxe, slightly later, version of the Stevens M75 - and not an economy grade/down-graded M29. As to value, both of mine were minty - So, I had N.P., selling them for $350 each - around Thanksgiving 2006.
Savage Mdl. 29s, A & B WHAT DIFFERENCE? - Rimfire Central …
Nov 16, 2005 · They were/are very fine and strong rifles. The barrels were very nicely made and your gun should be accurate. They are very under rated. I have a bunch of most 22 pumps. Winchester, Remington, Marlin, Mossberg, Savage , Stevens, Noble, High Standard, FN, Febigers, etc. The 29's are one of the best. Have fun with that rifle. Pact.
Drywall Anchor "Snap Cap" Question - Rimfire Central Firearm …
May 13, 2021 · Other actions take some creativity to decock without dry fire. I decock my Savage M29 pump by removing the takedown pin and separating the front/rear halves. Then I can put my thumb over the hammer to lower as I squeeze the trigger. …
94-22 magazine tube | Rimfire Central Firearm Forum
May 27, 2024 · My Savage M29 has the same type of magazine tube and it works perfect - and it's a whole lot older and has been shot many more times! Reactions: joe45c Save Share
Drywall Anchor Snap Caps | Rimfire Central Firearm Forum
Apr 11, 2024 · Many semi-autos can be decocked by moving the bolt back against the cocked hammer and pulling the trigger. 10/22 and AR-7 are both like this. I've also modified my Mark pistols to decock in the same way. My pump action Savage m29 is easy to pull apart to lower the hammer without a dryfire or snap cap, so that covers my 22s without external hammers.