City of San José | Home
Contest parking ticket You can contest parking citations online or via mail. Find affordable housing View a map of affordable housing developments located throughout San José. Find COVID-19 resources COVID-19 resources for San José residents including vaccinations, testing, and assistance programs. Find land use info
Departments & Offices | City of San José
Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Services 408-535-3570Planning, Building & Code Enforcement 408-535-3555
Why San José? - City of San Jose
In San José, you’ll get the best of big city amenities—sports, arts, dining, shopping, and urban vitality—along with the Northern California lifestyle—active, green, and healthy.
City Resources | City of San José
City Services A - Z Browse a complete list of services offered by the city. Contact the City City contact information including Customer Service, the website and CivicCenter TV. Parks & Recreation Explore the city's parks and facilities, learn about recreation programs, and more. Libraries Look through information about city libraries.
Customer Service | City of San José
If you need to get in touch with the City and don’t know who to call, dial the Contact Center at (408) 535-3500 and our friendly staff will be glad to assist you!
Council Agendas & Minutes - City of San José
Council Meeting Information City Council Calendar - August 2024 to June 2025 Guide to Council Meetings Standing Council Committees Agendas Policy for Posting and Processing Written Public Comment
City of San José | Home
Every person or company conducting business in San José must register for a Business Tax Certificates, sometimes called a business license or business permit in other cities.
2024-2025 Adopted Operating Budget - City of San José
Entire Document (PDF) Table of Contents City Manager's 2024-2025 Budget Message Attachment A: General Fund Balancing Strategy Detail Attachment B: Status of Mayor and City Council Referrals Attachment C: Status of City Auditor Recommendations with Funding Impact Attachment D: Stormwater Permit Implementation Funding Strategy COMMUNITY PROFILE
City Maps | City of San José
The San Jose Spatial team offers several data resources and map-based applications for residents, private developers and contractors to view and research City assets such as sanitary and storm systems, parks, transportation, aerial imagery, and basemap data.
Office of the City Manager | City of San José
As the chief executive officer for the City, the city manager manages the day-to-day delivery of services to the community, advises the City Council in its public policy decision making, and implements their policies.
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