Representative Accountability Database (RAD) - Universal Service ...
Your Representative ID is a unique number that connects your identity to the transactions you complete in NLAD and the National Verifier. Do not share your ID number with anyone besides the carrier(s) for which you work. Representative ID Registration. RAD registration is …
Manage Representative IDs - Universal Service Administrative …
Enter Representative ID or the email address used to register. Choose an identity verification method: answer security questions or receive a notification to the email address used to register. Select Update Information and edit the email, address, and/or security questions.
RAD Resources - Universal Service Administrative Company
How to Link a Representative ID and Data Input Templates. Once a representative has an active Representative ID, the service provider needs to link this ID to the relevant accounts. NLAD Production Guide for Linking Representative IDs to Accounts
will require a linked Representative ID to complete transactions within NLAD and the National Verifier. This is required to comply with Lifeline’s Fifth Report and Order.
The following NLAD user roles require a Representative ID if the individual in that role is considered an enrollment representative and may perform Lifeline enrollments, eligibility checks, recertifications, etc.:
How to Register - Universal Service Administrative Company
Representatives self-register for a Representative ID, which is required to perform transactions in the National Lifeline Accountability Database (NLAD) and the National Verifier. Representatives provide their Representative ID number to each service provider they work for.
How to Register for a Representative ID - USAC
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Resolving Errors - Universal Service Administrative Company
The representative’s identity could not be found. Confirm the representative’s first and last name, date of birth, and last four digits of SSN. SSN4 cannot be verified
Overview of the Representative Accountability Database (RAD)
Representative ID Representative ID Conclusion Conclusion Evaluation Evaluation Overview of the Representative Accountability Database (RAD) Resources. Back to top ...
Lifeline Systems - Universal Service Administrative Company
Representatives that interact with these Lifeline systems and perform transactions such as eligibility checks and enrollments must have their Representative ID linked to their service provider account, state account, or API ID.