Weedle Pokédex: stats, moves, evolution & locations
Pokédex entry for #13 Weedle containing stats, moves learned, evolution chain, location and more!
Pokémon name origins (etymology) - Pokémon Database
sad, drooping: bell: ringing device (shape) 0071 Victreebel: victory: a win achieved over someone: tree: large plant with a trunk: bell: ringing device (shape) 0072 Tentacool: tentacle: the ‘limb’ of a sea creature: cool: low temperature, or impressive: 0073 Tentacruel: tentacle: the ‘limb’ of a sea creature: cruel: mean: 0074 Geodude: geo-
Weedle - Generation 3 learnset - Pokémon Database
All the moves that #13 Weedle can learn in Generation 3 (Ruby, Sapphire, FireRed, LeafGreen, Emerald).
Weedle generation 1 move learnset (Red, Blue, Yellow)
This page lists all the moves that Weedle can learn in Generation 1, which consists of these games: Pokémon Red; Pokémon Blue; Pokémon Yellow; Note: many moves have changed stats over the years. The power, accuracy and other information listed below is as it was in the respective games.
Weedle sprites gallery - Pokémon Database
Gallery of Weedle sprites from each Pokémon game, including male/female differences, shiny Pokémon and back sprites.
Weedle - Generation 8 learnset - Pokémon Database
All the moves that #13 Weedle can learn in Generation 8 (Sword, Shield, Brilliant Diamond, Shining Pearl, Legends: Arceus).
Recent questions tagged weedle - PokéBase Pokémon Answers
May 6, 2021 · Is Weedle added to your Pokedex when the old man shows you how to catch Pokemon in the Kanto Region?
Weedle - Generation 6 learnset - Pokémon Database
All the moves that #13 Weedle can learn in Generation 6 (X, Y, Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire).
Weedle generation 9 move learnset (Scarlet, Violet)
This page lists all the moves that Weedle can learn in Generation 9, which consists of these games: Pokémon Scarlet; Pokémon Violet; Note: many moves have changed stats over the years. The power, accuracy and other information listed below is as it …
Weedle - Generation 4 learnset - Pokémon Database
All the moves that #13 Weedle can learn in Generation 4 (Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, SoulSilver).