Uganda Cooperative Savings and Credit Union Limited – UCSCU
Uganda Cooperative Savings and Credit Union Limited (UCSCU) is a national apex organisation for Savings and credit Cooperative Societies (SACCO) in Uganda. Call Today: +256 414 233 601 | +256 414 233 598
Frequently Asked Questions - Uganda Cooperative Savings and …
SACCOs encourage members to save as a way of building a resource base for credit. SACCOs educate their members in financial matters by teaching prudent handling of money, how to keep track of finances and how to budget.
SACCOs: Changing mindsets key to enabling them serve members …
Mar 26, 2017 · Following our pioneering reports last week on the challenges facing the Microfinance sector in Uganda, including politicization of government contributions, weak legal regime and weak supervision, there appears to be a ray of hope that the sector will experience some order in the near future.
UCSCU Academy – Uganda Cooperative Savings and Credit Union
The Uganda Cooperative Savings and Credit Union (UCSCU), as the apex body uniting SACCOs in Uganda, has decided to establish an Academy focusing on the SACCO sector and other stakeholders. The UCSCU Academy intends to begin its …
Who We Are – Uganda Cooperative Savings and Credit Union
To promote and empower SACCOs in Uganda by offering high-quality specialized financial and non-financial services for their sustainability.
Information Technology - Uganda Cooperative Savings and Credit …
We established the ICT section to serve SACCOs in Uganda and to advise on the need to invest in ICT to increase efficiencies. The objectives of the ICT section include: 1. Automating UCSCU’s business processes 2. Facilitating timely acquisition of …
May 3, 2024 · Wazalendo SACCO delegates and staff have graduated after four day’s training on Development Educators (DE) program focusing on the SACCO business model and Philosophy.
Why SACCOs in Uganda have been exempted from paying tax
Jun 14, 2017 · Finance Minister Matia Kasaija has explained why Savings and Credit Cooperative Organization (SACCOs) have been exempted from paying tax on their incomes effective July 1—for ten years.
Nov 13, 2023 · UCSCU will mobilize SACCOs in Uganda and take them to selected SACCOs in Kenya for a five (5) days Study visits where they will interact with various stakeholders responsible for the growth of the SACCO sector in Kenya.
Why SACCOs don't have to pay CORPORATE TAX in simple terms …
May 4, 2018 · It’s unfortunate that most of the legislators are being misinformed about SACCOs and leading them into a decision intended to wipe SACCOs away from the face of Uganda. Some of the proponents of this move argue that SACCOs will give a window for the rich to do banking business while untaxed.