The Svetlana SV6L6GC features: • Design and construction based on the Sylvania 6L6GC/STR387 • Extra-rugged construction for use in music amplifiers--thick mica spacers …
Svetlana 6L6GC - Tubes for Amps
6L6GC-SV is sold by the new US Svetlana brand, and are only avilable in USA. The tube is excellent for providing fuller tone and punch to Fender guitar amps. This is a great 6L6 that …
Power - Medium & Large - 6L6 - 5881 -KT66 - 7027 - VIVA TUBES
Shop our large selection of 6L6 & equivalent vacuum tubes. This is one of the most popular power tubes on the planet and as such, there are almost unlimited options. There is much confusion …
Review – Svetlana 6L6GC Tube - thetubestore Blog
Sep 29, 2015 · Summary: A nice balanced sound that is not as bottom heavy, very smooth and balanced frequency response. The Svetlana 6L6GC vacuum tube has a nice balanced sound …
The Best 6L6 / 5881 Power Tubes - www.thetubestore.com
Check out the following 6L6 tube reviews for guidance on getting the best tone out of your tube amp. There are several different 6L6 power tube types and it can get a little confusing. There …
6L6GB vs. 6L6GC - Seymour Duncan User Group Forums
Feb 20, 2007 · The best current production 6L6 type tube is the Sovtek 5881, which electrically is a 6L6GB. (Notice the suffix here.) A GB is not as powerful as a GC. The GC's had a 30 watt …
"SV-6L6SX" Single Ended Power Amplifier (topic) - big.or.jp
互いに仕様の異なるトランスを用いて構成されるステレオアンプ「 SV-6L6SX 」とモノラルアンプ「 SV-2A3EPX 」の場合、入出力端子の数量や部分的なトランス形状の違いから別々の …
Sunaudio new SV-6L6SX - 悅聲音響 REFERENCE AUDIO
Sunaudio has recently introduced a new model SV-6L6SX to replace the old model SV-6V6SE and SV-EL34 which had been in the product line for more than twenty years. The use of …
Svetlana 6L6GC Vacuum Power Tubes - www.thetubestore.com
Buy Svetlana 6L6GC vacuum power tubes online, in stock and ready to ship! Find reviews, data sheets and specs to upgrade your tube amplifier.
6L6-type vacuum tube shootout - Wall of Sound
The Svetlana SV 6L6-GC is a $26.95 (each) is yet another inexpensive good-sounding Russian tube. In my Musical Paradise MP-301 mk3 Deluxe the Svetlana is an open, airy, neutral …