STS-64 - Wikipedia
STS-64 was a Space Shuttle Discovery mission that was set to perform multiple experiment packages. It was Discovery's 19th flight. STS-64 was launched from Kennedy Space Center, Florida, on 9 September 1994, and landed back on 20 September 1994 at …
Sep 9, 1994 · First flight of Lidar In-space Technology Experiment (LITE) and first untethered U.S. extravehicular activity (EVA) in 10 years. These six NASA astronauts were assigned as crew members to fly aboard the space shuttle Discovery for the STS-64 mission.
30 Years Ago: STS-64 Astronauts Test a Spacewalk Rescue Aid
Sep 10, 2024 · During their 11-day mission, the STS-64 crew of Commander Richard “Dick” N. Richards, Pilot L. Blaine Hammond, and Mission Specialists Jerry M. Linenger, Susan J. Helms, Carl J. Meade, and Mark C. Lee demonstrated many of the space shuttle’s capabilities.
STS-64 Fact Sheet | Spaceline
Feb 11, 1994 · On September 16, 1994 astronauts Lee and Meade performed the first untethered spacewalk since 1984. During a 6 hour, 51 minute spacewalk, the sole spacewalk of the mission, the astronauts tested a new backpack called Simplified Aid for EVA Rescue (SAFER), designed for use if a crew member accidentally becomes untethered during a spacewalk.
Jul 24, 2023 · STS-64, Astronaut Marc Lee tests the (SAFER) Simplified Aid for Eva Rescue system 130 nautical miles above earth.
Spaceflight mission report: STS-64 - spacefacts.de
Jun 19, 2023 · Sixty-five groups from 20 countries are making validation measurements with ground-based and aircraft instruments to verify LITE data. LITE science program was part of NASA 's Mission to Planet Earth.
STS-64 [Flight # 64]
Apr 8, 2024 · Launch: Pad: 39-B [25] Date: 9 September 1994 Time: 10:22:55 UTC. Orbit: Altitude: 140 nm Inclination: 57 degrees Orbits: 176 Duration: 10 days, 22 hours, 49 minutes, 57 seconds Distance: 4,500,000 miles.
NASA - NSSDCA - Spacecraft - Details
Sep 9, 1994 · STS 64 marked the first flight of the Lidar In-space Technology Experiment (LITE) and the first untethered U.S. extravehicular activity (EVA) in 10 years. The LITE payload employed lidar, which stands for light detection and ranging, a type of optical radar using laser pulses instead of radio waves to study Earth's atmosphere.
STS-64 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Digitized, cataloged and archived by the Houston Audio Control Room, at the NASA Johnson Space Center.
Flying Free With Meade and Lee: Remembering STS-64, 25 …
Sep 8, 2019 · But when STS-64 astronauts Mark Lee and Carl Meade ventured outside shuttle Discovery’s airlock on the morning of 16 September 1994—a quarter-century ago, this month—they wore something quite different and wholly new on their space suits.
STS-64 was a NASA Space Shuttle Discovery mission launched on September 9, 1994, which conducted experiments in research and technology. The mission marked the first untethered U.S. extravehicular activity (EVA) in 10 years and the first flight of the Lidar In-space Technology Experiment (LITE).
The STS-64 mission will see the continuation of NASA's Get Away Special (GAS) experiments program. The project gives an individual a chance to perform experiments in space on a Shuttle mission. On STS-64, U.S. universities and high schools and …
STS-64 Space Shuttle mission report - NTRS - NASA Technical …
Jan 1, 1995 · The STS-64 Space Shuttle Program Mission Report summarizes the Payload activities as well as the Orbiter, External Tank (ET), Solid Rocket Booster (SRB), Redesigned Solid Rocket Motor (RSRM), and the Space Shuttle main engine (SSME) systems performance during the sixty-fourth flight of the Space Shuttle Program and the nineteenth flight of the ...
STS-64 Launch : NASA : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : …
Sep 9, 1994 · The Space Shuttle Discovery soars skyward from Launch Pad 39B on Mission STS-64 at 6:22:35 p.m. EDT, September 9, 1994. On board are a crew of six: Commander...
Space Shuttle Discovery | STS-64 - Next Spaceflight
Sep 9, 1994 · STS-64 marked the first flight of Lidar In-space Technology Experiment (LITE) and the first untethered U.S. extravehicular activity (EVA) in 10 years. LITE payload employs lidar, which stands for light detection and ranging, a type of optical radar using laser pulses instead of radio waves to study Earth's atmosphere.
STS-64 | National Aeronautics and Space Administration Wiki
STS-64 launches from Kennedy Space Center, 9 September 1994. STS-64 marked the first flight of Lidar In-space Technology Experiment (LITE) and the first untethered U.S. extravehicular activity (EVA) in 10 years.
STS-64 - NASA Satellite - satnow.com
Dec 1, 2023 · STS-64 - NASA Satellite First flight of Lidar In-space Technology Experiment (LITE) and first untethered U.S. extravehicular activity (EVA) in 10 years. STS-64 Mission Information
STS-64 (64) - historical.worldspaceflight.com
Feb 11, 1994 · The STS-64 mission will carry the LIDAR In-Space Technology Experiment (LITE), a project to measure atmospheric parameters from a space platform utilizing laser sensors, the Robot Operated Materials Processing System (ROMPS) to investigate robot handling of thin film samples, and the Shuttle Pointed Autonomous Research Tool for Astronomy (SPARTA...
STS-64 - Encyclopedia Astronautica
The STS-64 mission will carry the LIDAR In-Space Technology Experiment (LITE), a project to measure atmospheric parameters from a space platform utilizing laser sensors, the Robot Operated Materials Processing System (ROMPS) to investigate robot handling of thin film samples, and the Shuttle Pointed Autonomous Research Tool for Astronomy ...
STS-64 Discovery Landing at Edwards - NASA
Sep 20, 1994 · The Space Shuttle Discovery settles to the main runway at Edwards, CA to conclude mission STS-64. The mission featured the study of clouds and the atmosphere with a laser beaming system called Lidar In-Space Technology Experiment (LITE), and the first untethered space walk in over 10 years.
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