.stp viewer? - with measuring tools and markup? - Autodesk …
Apr 19, 2007 · fully dimensioning the fab drawing since the vendor is going from the .stp file. We need a way for a non-Inventor user to get dimensions from the .stp file and for the user to also be able to mark up the .stp file. I have checked out a .stp viewer by Delcam but it doesn't allow measuring and markup. Does anybody know of a product that would ...
Solved: VIEWER .IAM / .STP / .STEP - Autodesk Community
Oct 4, 2019 · Dear All, I am looking for a viewer which permit my team to have a look at the IAM/STEP files I made for them. They tried the INVENTOR VIEW but it doesnt give the possibility to HIDE/UNHIDE parts and groups. Of course the PC where they have to see such files dont have an autodesk license. th...
.stp 3d viewer - Autodesk Community
Dec 2, 2010 · .stp files are a common thing being used in 3D cad File Softwares. Why Inventor never made a quick Viewer for .stp files? Probably they didnt realize the potential profit. This is at the point where it could be added by a intern at Autodesk and no-one would even notice anything different. So much Open Source code out there to make this easy.
Opening STP Files - Autodesk Community
May 2, 2016 · Hi, I am looking into an issue someone has passed to me, where they are unable to open STP files. I've contacted the company that supplied the files originally and they said they were done in Autodesk Inventor, but they've since switched to Solid Works and the work they did hasn't been copied over.
How I can create and show dimensions in STP files? - Autodesk …
Jun 8, 2018 · I download A360 and use it for view .ipt files and 3D demensions. also we can use 3D pdf for view 3D demensions but we can not use 3D demensions in STP files. Reply Report
Solved: Unable to import step file - Autodesk Community
Feb 15, 2017 · Hi Kenny, Something is not working right here. The STEP file seems to lack assembly structure and Inventor is confused.
Cannot Import .STP file with Mac OS - Autodesk Community
Nov 13, 2015 · If you can open that file with the viewer then it means something else. If you cannot open that file using the viewer, then you should ask the sending party to send that to you again. Actually in the STP files exported from Fusion360 is the most updated versions.
解決済み: .stpという拡張子のファイルを開く方法を教えてくださ …
お世話になります。 本日客先より.stpという拡張子のファイルが届きました。 3Dキャドのファイルのようなのですが、閲覧する方法を 教えてください。 宜しくお願いします。
Open stp file with Navisworks Freedom - Autodesk Community
Feb 24, 2017 · Hi, Navisworks Freedom will only open NWD or 3D DWF files. so you would need to append/open the .stp file in Navisworks Simulate or Manage and the save as .NWD so this can be viewed in Navisworks Freedom.
Opening STP files from the file explorer/emails opens new inventor ...
Dec 30, 2024 · I changed the open with to "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Inventor 2025\Bin\Inventor.exe" in my file explorer for STEP files, but it keeps opening my files in a new inventor window and not in the window I'm working in.