SSJ3 Vegito vs SSJG Goku - Battles - Comic Vine
May 28, 2020 · SSG Goku wins even if Vegito is is scaled to being relative. Which by feats Vegito should be notably lessor than. 4 years ago. CyberBlades22. Follow 4176. Forum Posts. 0. …
Is SSJ4 and SSj Vegito weaker than SSG? My thoughts, what are …
Oct 20, 2017 · mystic Gohan (Buu saga)<base Vegito<Buuhan<mystic Gohan (Super)<ssj Vegito<=>ssj4<SSG. However the difference between ssj4/ssj Vegito isn't that far off from …
SSJB Vegito vs Kefla and Hit - Battles - Comic Vine
Win via K.O. Vegito and Hit are in character. ... arc goku ssj2 level. for sense of scale ssj 2 caba was majin arc ssj2 gohan level and kale as best as i can tell being ssg level. both goku and ...
SSG Vegito vs SSB Goku - Battles - Comic Vine
Jan 19, 2017 · BoG Saga SSG Goku fuses with BoG Vegeta to make SSJ God Vegito. Current DBS Goku(Episode 74). Edit: PLEASE NOTE THIS IS SSG GOKU (BoG Saga) FUSING …
ssjg goku vs ssj3 vegito - Battles - Comic Vine
Feb 13, 2021 · rulesdbz vegito ssj3 against b.o.g saga goku ssj godkaioken is allowed time limit allowed both characterstakes place on earthno prep time ... then SSG Goku wins IMO. 3 years …
Vegito VS Super Saiyan God Goku (Read description)
Vegito as he appears in the Buu saga VS Super Saiyan God Goku. ... and Vegito was far superior as Super Sayain 2 than SSG Goku ever showed by feats. 10 years ago. sirfizzwhizz. Follow
How would've SSJ3 Vegito fared against Beerus - Comic Vine
Mar 16, 2024 · So I have BoG SSG>Z anime SSJ3 Vegito>>>>>base~Z manga SSJ Vegito. Also I agree with that BoG SSG seemingly has a far higher multiplier on top of base and it being …
SSG Vegito vs Movie Beerus - Battles - Comic Vine
Nov 11, 2023 · A lot of statements and feats can be made for Vegito's power proportions in any form (SSG the above) being higher that of Goku and Vegeta individually. SsG Goku kept up …
How much of a multiplier is SSG to SSJ3? - Comic Vine
By his own words, BoG SSG is stronger than Buu Vegito, so at that point it was definitely WAY more than 10 times stronger. 6 years ago. alextheboss. Follow 31473. Forum Posts. 0. Wiki …
SSG compared to Vegito - Dragon Ball Universe - Comic Vine
Jan 28, 2018 · I think people might be mistaken about SSG Goku in BoG arc being > ssj3 vegito. Goku said he didn't think fusion could beat beerus but neither cou