Olinda (Brazilian Steam merchant) - uboat.net
At 18.07 hours on 18 Feb 1942 the neutral Olinda (Master Jacob Benemond) was stopped by U-432 off Cape Hatteras with a shot across her bow. The crew abandoned ship in two lifeboats and was questioned by the Germans. The vessel was shelled and …
The Wreck Of The SS Freighter Olinda Sunk By U-boat U-432 Has …
Jun 6, 2021 · The SS freighter Olinda was sunk by U-boat U-432 in American waters shortly after the United States entered the war (7 December 1941). The vessel was sailing from Brazil with a cargo of cocoa beans, coffee and oil.
OLINDA SS was a Brazilian cargo steamer of 4,053 tons built in 1905. On the 18th February 1942 when on route from Pernambuco & St Lucia for New York carrying a cargo of cocoa & castor beans when she was sunk by German submarine U-432. Crew of 46 saved.
The German SS Olanda was stopped, shelled and sunk by British cruiser HMS Ajax. Not having a prize crew available to seize the enemy merchantman, Ajax shells and sinks her on 4 September, 33°20N 048°50W.
Olinda (navio) – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
O vapor Olinda foi o terceiro navio brasileiro atacado na Segunda Guerra Mundial, e o segundo a ser afundado após o rompimento das relações do Brasil com o Eixo, no dia 18 de fevereiro de 1942, ao largo do Cabo Hatteras, na costa leste dos Estados Unidos, pelo submarino alemão U-432, o mesmo que torpedeara o Buarque três dias antes ...
On June 11th, 1895, the Portuguese cargo ship OLINDA, built in 1887 by Blumer, John & Co. and owned by J. H. Andresen, on voyage from Lisboa to New York with a cargo of corkwood, was wrecked at Fisher's Island.
The first German merchant ship to be lost to enemy action in World War II was the SS Olinda of Hamburg Süd. According to the captain's report, the ship left the port of Buenos Aires on August 29, 1939 at 20:00 with about 100,000 cubic feet of clearance.
ISTG - SS Olinda - Immigrant Ships
SS OLINDA Sailed From The Azores and Arrived at The Port of New York on July 2, 1892. I, J Marrieras Master of the Portguese.
ISTG - SS Olinda
Nov 2, 1998 · SS OLINDA Sailed from the Azores Islands and Arrived Port of New York 14 Sept. 1891. Columns represent: Name, Age, Gender, Marital, Occupation, Nationality, Last Residence and Destination.
ISTG - SS Olinda - Immigrant Ships
Nov 8, 1998 · SS OLINDA Sailed From Oparto and Lisbon via the Azores and Arrived at The Port of New York on 2 May, 1892
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