SLB, a global technology company | SLB
We create and deploy the technology and systems needed to simultaneously reduce emissions while meeting the world’s growing energy demands, ensuring progress for people and the …
Reservoir Fluid Laboratory Services - SLB
Rock & fluid analysis by SLB Reservoir Laboratories provides the information you need to better understand your reservoir & maximize production.
Careers | SLB Careers
We are a global technology company driving energy innovation for a balanced planet. Global in outlook, local in practice, we're united in our passion for discovering solutions and in our …
Our Global Presence - SLB
We have more than 900 facilities (including 70+ tech centers) globally, making for a fast and extensive network that covers everything from research and manufacturing to service and …
Expertisepunt LOB
Het Expertisepunt LOB ondersteunt vmbo-, havo en vwo-, mbo-, en hbo-scholen bij het versterken van de loopbaanontwikkeling, -oriëntatie en - (studie)begeleiding van jongeren.
Jobs | SLB Careers - Schlumberger
Are you a student or recent graduate? Learn more about our early career opportunities. For all other available SLB jobs, search below to apply. Recruitment Scams: Be Vigilant.
Careers at SLB - Schlumberger
We are a global technology company, driving energy innovation for a balanced planet. Together, we create amazing technology that unlocks access to energy for the benefit of all. At SLB, we …
hbo - Expertisepunt LOB
Goede begeleiding van de studie- en loopbaanoriëntatie (LOB/SLB) ondersteunt jongeren bij het maken van keuzes voor, tijdens en na de opleiding. Op deze pagina vind je informatie over de …
LOB-kennisbank - Expertisepunt LOB
Krijg zicht op welke facetten van belang zijn bij LOB, zodat je LOB binnen havo en vwo kunt vorm geven, versterken en borgen. Deze handreiking is bedoeld als hulpmiddel bij het versterken en …
SLB Employee
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