SK chemicals
ECOZEN’s T-series consists of a variety of heat-resistant grades that consistently meet customers’ needs in a variety of daily life applications like sports drink bottles/food containers/cosmetics/home appliances. * Grades with various …
ECOZEN 본문 - SK chemicals
ECOZEN은 바이오 매스 유래 성분을 도입하여 (탄소 중량 기준 1~15%) 내열도가 향상된 비결정성 Copolyester 제품입니다. Bisphenol 유도체 (BPA 등), Phthalate계 가소제 성분 불포함 제품으로, 한국, 미국, 유럽, 중국, 일본의 식품접촉 물질의 요구사항을 충족합니다. 또한 우수한 물성과 특유의 광학특성으로 식품용기부터 가전제품까지 다방면에 사용되고 있습니다. Ecozen T 시리즈는 고객이 요구하는 다양한 내열 Grade를 보유하고 있어, Sport Bottle/식품용기/화장품/가전 등 생활에 …
Material Data Center | Datasheet ECOZEN® T95
Informationen on ECOZEN® T95. PET, TPC grade from SK Chemicals.
achieved under laboratory practices supervised and controlled by SK chemicals corporation. Headquarter / R&D center Ulsan Plant 686 Sampyung-Dong, Bundang-Gu, Seongnam-Si, Gyeonggi-Do , 463-400 Korea TEL : +82-2-2008-2008 / FAX : +82-2-2008-2009 ... Technical Data Sheet : ECOZEN T95. Title: Slide 1 Author: imac215 imac215
ECOZEN T95 - resmart.com
ECOZEN T95 is a bio based, heat resistance, and transparent copolyester. ECOZEN T95. Add to Cart. The store will not work correctly when cookies are disabled. ... SK Chemicals: ASTM D792 Specific Gravity: 1.25: ASTM D638 Tensile Strength: 7000 psi: ASTM D790 Flexural Modulus:
Ecozen® T95 - Silon- Technical Datasheet - Omnexus
Ecozen® T95 by SK Chemicals is a BPA-free, Phthalate-free, non-toxic, recyclable, bio co-polyester. Offers reduced cycle time and less residual stress. Provides excellent chemical resistance, excellent processibility, flowability, transparency, clarity, impact strength, thickness, color tone, gloss and melt strength.
T95 P roduct description EC O ZEN, concei ved and d eveloped b y SK Chemicals is a bio-based, heat-resistant, and transparent bio- c o p olyester. A vailable in 5 distinct pr o duct lines, each containing all the advantages of conventional P E TG resins, like high transpa ren cy, easy-p rocessing, and chemical resistance.
Ecozen® Plastics by SK Chemicals - Omnexus
Ecozen® T95 by SK Chemicals is a BPA-free, Phthalate-free, non-toxic, recyclable, bio co-polyester. Offers reduced cycle time and less residual stress. Provides excellent chemical resistance, excellent... view more
Remove and isolate contaminated clothing and shoes. Wash contaminated clothing and shoes before reuse. Get immediate medical advice/attention. Specific medical treatment is urgent. Move victim to fresh air. Administer oxygen if breathing is difficult. Do not let him/her eat anything, if unconscious. Get immediate medical advice/attention.
Test Perfomed : SK Chemicals R&D center Care The information in this data sheet is, to the best of our knowledge, true and accurate. The representations about the product are based upon test results achieved under laboratory practices supervised and controlled by SK chemicals corporation. Headquarter / R&D center