How to get FPS in SFML 2 - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library
Feb 12, 2012 · This will display your fps on the console, if you want to display it in the sfml window, you will have to load a font file and use the sfml text function which require a few extra steps. I hope someone will find it helpful.
how to create "input fields/ text fields" - Simple and Fast …
Mar 13, 2016 · Hello everyone, i am an absolute beginner with c++ and sfml, i was tasked to create an Artillery Game, 2 player. i really need help on how to create a Text field area where a player will enter their name, ive seen tutorials read docs, and forums, but still i am not able to do this. i really need some help.
[HOW] How Do You Play Videos in SFML? : SFML
Mar 9, 2021 · How do you code SFML in C++ to become a media player for playing videos? To play .mpeg, .avi, .mp3, .mp4 etc within SFML. E.g. You win a stage, then a cut-scene video will play, and then back to the game.
[Résolu] Questions sur move () et la récupération de pos de souris.
Jan 31, 2013 · Le premier est SFML 2.0, le second SFML 1.6. Donc pas de "mieux", pas de différence, juste pas la même ...
Author Topic: Switching 'scenes' (Read 18200 times) - Simple and …
Aug 17, 2014 · SFML community forums » Help » General » Switching 'scenes' DS-Natural designed by DzinerStudio SMF 2. ...
Correct way to do player movement - Simple and Fast Multimedia …
Apr 18, 2012 · Since I'm a beginner in C++, I'm a bit confused about what is the correct way to do player movement. Some tutorials insist that I should use a switch/case statement. However, when I started to implement smooth player movement, I based it on the code of the Pong example that comes with SFML. So, at the moment, my sprite movement code looks like ...
Shooting Bullets System - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library
May 12, 2015 · The idea of this forum is to help you with concrete questions regarding SFML, not to teach you game development. You'll find a lot of books or tutorials on the internet that do so. Just avoid video tutorials at all costs, they're usually poorly made (there are a few exceptions, like those from Vittorio Romeo).
[sf3d] a project for 3D rendering - en.sfml-dev.org
Aug 20, 2010 · I have tried linking Irrlicht with SFML so that I render the map and everything else from SFML and draw the character with attached items from Irrlicht, but the closest I could get was a white changing (due to animation) non-textured silhouette of the character on the map (probably due to the un-fixable openGL states mess up).
Author Topic: Message Boxes (Read 45349 times) - Simple and …
Dec 1, 2008 · IMO, this should be considered a GUI function. GUIs can be implemented in SFML and themed according to the game/multimedia project you are designing. If you are designing an SFML and want a standard windowing environment, look up how to use an appropriate windowing setup in the tutorials section of the Wiki.
how to create a grid? - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library
Nov 22, 2011 · Read the SFML tutorials on creating windows and printing sprites. After that, you should be able to make your own logic on how to do what you want. You may want to search for printing "tiles" as well, as I think that is what you want to do. By the way, your fors misses the closing parentheses at the end: ")".