SCP-947 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-947 is a contagious, memetic expletive defined by its creator as meaning "a really fake, annoying person or thing that you wish would just naff off already" [sic].
SCP-947 - SCP Foundation Classic - Wikidot
Description: SCP-947 is an unknown spectral entity which resides in the basement of a house (herein referred to as 'ground zero') in [DATA EXPUNGED]. The entity's activity predominantly consists of opening and widening a fault in the foundation of …
SCP-947 | The Ofiicial Scp Foundation Wiki | Fandom
SCP-947 is a contagious, memetic expletive defined by its creator as meaning "a really fake, annoying person or thing that you wish would just naff off already" [sic]. Any English speaker who hears or reads SCP-947 will automatically understand its definition, know the name of its creator, and begin to incorporate it into their vocabulary.
SCP-947 - Fondation SCP
Description : SCP-947 est une insulte mémétique contagieuse, définie par son créateur comme ayant le sens suivant : "un sale hypocrite ou un objet idiot que vous souhaiteriez voir foutre le camp" [sic].
r/SCP on Reddit: Has the swear word from 947 ever been …
Jan 18, 2018 · Junior Researcher Gautam Ramesh is currently working with Mobile Task Force Upsilon-4 ("Sugar Pill") to develop a countermemetic agent for SCP-947. I actually think this is the best part of this particular SCP. The Foundation approached this problem in a logical way, without pointless recrimination.
Daily SCP for 04/14/16: SCP-947... - The SNFM Network. - Facebook
Apr 14, 2016 · SCP-947-2A refers to a collection of human remains located at the bottom of SCP-947-2. Video observation has determined the remains to be that of a young human female, with probable cause of death being severe cranial trauma. SCP-947-2A emits a small amount of luminescence, usually 1-1.5 lux.
SCP-947 - [РУГАТЕЛЬСТВО УДАЛЕНО] сын - SCP Foundation
Описание: SCP-947 — заразное меметическое ругательство, означающее, согласно определению его создателя, "фальшивого, раздражающего человека или вещь, которую хочется пнуть подальше" [sic]. Любой владеющий английским языком человек, узнавший SCP-947, сразу осознаёт его значение, имя автора и …
SCP-947 - Tổ Chức SCP - Wikidot
Nghiên cứu viên cấp thấp Gautam Ramesh hiện đang cùng làm việc với Đội Đặc Nhiệm Cơ Động Upsilon-4 ("Viên Thuốc Ngọt") nhằm phát triển một tác nhân kháng lan truyền nhận thức cho SCP-947. Mô tả: SCP-947 là một ngôn từ thiếu chuyên nghiệp mang tính lan truyền nhận thức ...
SCP-947 - Fondazione SCP
Descrizione: SCP-947 è un imprecazione memetica e contagiosa definita dal suo creatore per rappresentare "Una cosa o persona così falsa e noiosa che vorresti levartela dalle scatole"[sic]. Ogni persona anglofona che sente o legge SCP-947 capirà automaticamente la sua definizione, conoscerà il nome del suo creatore e inizierà a incorporarla ...
947 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-947 is a humanoid entity approximately 2.18m in height and weighing approximately 46kg, with the lower body of a woman and the upper body of a man (using a classification scheme similar to that of STDs, SCP-947 is …
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