SCP-874 - SCP Foundation
Jan 21, 2020 · Description: SCP-874 is a black, largely unreflective fluid with 30.87 cP viscosity and reflectivity less than a tenth of that of water. When it approaches a static depth of 2 cm, …
SCP Foundation: SCPs 800 to 999 Recap - TV Tropes
SCP-874 is a black, largely unreflective fluid with a viscosity and a reflectivity less than a tenth of that of water. When it approaches a static depth of 2cm, the fluid functions as a portal to a …
SCP-874 | Abyssal Fluid (SCP Orientation) - YouTube
SCP Orientation is an archive of files of the SCP Foundation.Today we will be studying Item number SCP-874: Abyssal Fluid, Object class: Euclid. SCP-874 is a...
SCP-874 - Computer Generated Foundation - GitHub Pages
Description: SCP-874 is a single-species (SCP-874-1) plant grown from the seed pods of a single species, Cucumis granulosa (the Quercus sativa (graze) plant) u0001. The seed pod of the …
SCP-874 - Текучая бездна
Описание: SCP-874 – чёрная, светопоглощающая текучая субстанция, вязкостью 30.87 сантипуазов с коэффициентом отражения менее десятой части от водного. В спокойном …
SCP-874 - Fondation SCP
Description : SCP-874 est un fluide noir en grande partie non réfléchissant d’une viscosité de 30.87 cP et dont la réflectivité est inférieure à un dixième de celle de l’eau. Lorsque sa …
874 - SCP Foundation - GitHub Pages
Description: SCP-874 is an anomalous geographical phenomenon consisting of a large body of water that only exists in Louisiana's Red River and its tributaries, which also include the …
SCP-874 - SCP財団
説明: SCP-874は黒く、30.87cPの粘度と水の1/10の反射率を持つほぼ光を反射しない流体です。深さが2cmに近付くとき、この流体は見た限り無限に広がる空間への入口として機能します。
scp-874-深渊液体 - 哔哩哔哩
Apr 25, 2020 · 描述:SCP-874是一种黑色、不规则、粘度为30.87cp且折射率低于十分之一水折射率的液体。 当静态深度为2cm时,这种液体表现出一种通向似乎是无限空间的传送门特性。 …
SCP Foundation: SCP-874
Description: SCP-874 is a black, largely unreflective fluid with 30.87 cP viscosity and reflectivity less than a tenth of that of water. When it approaches a static depth of 2 cm, the fluid functions …