SCP-862 - SCP Foundation
Item #: SCP-862. Object Class: Safe. Special Containment Procedures: A 6m x 6m bunker has been constructed around SCP-862 in order to prevent escape or sightings of SCP-862-1. The interior of the bunker is to be monitored by researchers via cameras placed inside the bunker outside of SCP-862's sphere of influence.
SCP-862 - Крысы - SCP Foundation
Удаленное наблюдение за внутренним пространством бункера осуществляется посредством видеокамер, размещенных за пределами сферы действия SCP-862. Бункер следует ежедневно проверять на предмет повреждений или побега особей SCP-862-1. Трещины в стенах необходимо немедленно замазать бетоном и цементом.
SCP-862 - Fondation SCP
Procédures de Confinement Spéciales : Un bunker de 6 m x 6 m a été construit autour de SCP-862 afin d'éviter toute fuite ou observation de SCP-862-1. L'intérieur du bunker doit être surveillé par des chercheurs via des caméras placées dans …
SCP-682 - SCP Foundation
Oct 10, 2024 · Description: SCP-682 is a large, vaguely reptile-like creature of unknown origin. It appears to be extremely intelligent, and was observed to engage in complex communication with SCP-079 during their limited time of exposure. SCP-682 appears to have a hatred of all life, which has been expressed in several interviews during containment.
SCP-862 - SCP財団
説明: SCP-862は 、 市に位置する、10平方メートルに及ぶ領域です。 SCP-862の内部に進入したあらゆる素材は、25立方センチメートルずつの断片に引き裂かれ始めます。 素材の種類によってその時間は変化しますが、影響を受けた断片はドブネズミ (Rattus norvegicus) の外形や細部を装った形態に変化します。 断片は短時間休止状態にありますが、すぐに生命を得て、ドブネズミの行動を模倣し始めます。 この断片をSCP-862-1と指定します。 SCP-862-1実体は食料 …
SCP-862 | Rats (SCP Orientation) - YouTube
Nov 27, 2022 · SCP-862 is an area spanning ten square meters located in the city of [REDACTED]. This area possesses a sphere of influence that affects all materials. Upon arriving in SCP-862, materials will...
SCP-862 - Fondazione SCP
Elemento# SCP-862. Classe dell'Oggetto: Safe. Procedure Speciali di Contenimento: SCP-862 deve essere sempre circondato da un bunker di 6 x 6 metri per prevenire suoi eventuali fughe od avvistamenti. L’interno del bunker è monitorato e controllato dai ricercatori tramite apposite videocamere piazzate fuori dall’influenza di SCP–862.
862 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-862 is a note printed on plain yellow paper, measuring 3.9 cm x 5.7 cm. The paper has two different blurry handwritten paragraphs, which are spread out across the front and back of the paper.
SCP-862 - 鼠群 - SCP基金會
項目編號:SCP-862. 項目等級:Safe. 特殊收容措施:目前已沿著SCP-862周圍建造起一道6m x 6m的地上掩體,以避免SCP-862-1逃脫或遭到平民目擊。研究人員應透過裝設於位在掩體至SCP-862的影響範圍之間的監視器來監控著該掩體的內部狀況。
SCP-862 - SCP Foundation - GitHub Pages
Oct 10, 2011 · Description: SCP-862 is an area spanning ten square meters located in the city of , . This area possesses a sphere of influence that affects all materials. Upon arriving in SCP-862, materials will begin to split into portions of twenty-five (25) square centimeters.
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