SCP-575 - SCP Foundation
Oct 2, 2022 · SCP-575 is capable of manifesting in any area of total darkness. This appears to be a form of "spontaneous generation", and can form in any suitably dark location after [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-575 was initially recovered under the home of Mr. and his family.
SCP-575 - Fondation SCP
SCP-575 se manifeste initialement dans le noir complet. La façon dont celui-ci se manifeste est à ce jour inconnue. Cependant, les tests ont montré qu’une masse variable de SCP-575 se forme quand [DONNÉES SUPPRIMÉES] varie et en fonction d’un certain laps de temps.
SCP-575 - Хищная тьма - SCP Foundation
SCP-575 растёт, поглощая биологический материал. Он «атакует» живых существ, уплотняя свои части и используя их, чтобы бить, резать и давить цели. Методы выбора и выслеживания жертв, которыми пользуется SCP-575, в настоящее время непонятны.
SCP-575 - SCP Foundation - GitHub Pages
May 14, 2009 · Description: SCP-575 appears to be an unknown form of matter, taking the form of a series of amorphous black shapes and structures. SCP-575 is difficult to observe, as it immediately dissipates when exposed to light. Current testing has been unable to identify if SCP-575 is organic or inorganic.
SCP-575 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Laconic Description: SCP-575 are shadows capable of floating and passing through small spaces. These shadows grow if they absorb material: in fact, they will look for a prey, and once found they will tear him to pieces and then absorb him. Shadows immediately dissipate in contact with light.
SCP-055 - SCP Foundation
Jul 26, 2024 · Description: SCP-055 is a "self-keeping secret" or "anti-meme". Information about SCP-055's physical appearance as well as its nature, behavior, and origins is self-classifying. To clarify: How Site 19 originally acquired SCP-055 is unknown. When SCP-055 was obtained, and by whom, is unknown. SCP-055's physical appearance is unknown.
SCP Series - SCP Foundation
Jan 19, 2025 · SCP-575 - Predatory Darkness; SCP-576 - Sleep Well; SCP-577 - All Alone in the Moonlight; SCP-578 - Blood Opals; SCP-579 - [DATA EXPUNGED] SCP-580 - Shi Huang Ti's Five Heaven Chariot; SCP-581 - The Equestrian's Soul; SCP-582 - A Bundle of Stories; SCP-583 - Deathly Video Tape; SCP-584 - Many Fingers, Many Toes; SCP-585 - Sharpeners; SCP-586 ...
SCP-575 - Fondazione SCP
SCP-575 è in grado di manifestarsi in qualsiasi area di totale oscurità. Questa sembra essere una forma di "generazione spontanea" e può formarsi in qualsiasi luogo adeguatamente buio dopo [DATI CANCELLATI].
SCP-575 - SCP財団
SCP-575に起因する民間人の死はすべて、野生動物による攻撃もしくは既に死亡していた対象への腐肉食動物による捕食行動の結果であるとして扱います。 より詳細な調査が入った場合は、攻撃は連続殺人犯もしくは悪魔的カルト信者によるものとし、さらなる情報は「調査中のため」として遮断することとします。 説明: SCP-575は未知の形態を取る物質であると考えられてお …
575 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-575 is a device of unknown origin, comprising of two parts, SCP-575-A and SCP-575-B. SCP-575-A is a large vacuum chamber with a door firmly in place. SCP-575-B refers to the object that sits at the top of SCP-575-A.