SCP-382 - SCP Foundation
Oct 20, 2022 · SCP-382-2 appears to be an infant, between and months old, extremely emaciated, with several injuries that seem to vary with each manifestation.
SCP-382 | Haunted Baby Carriage (SCP Orientation) - YouTube
SCP-382 is an old baby carriage with a heavily injured infant (SCP-382-1) that irregularly appears. Any person who makes visual contact with SCP-382-1 is compelled to approach it and place...
SCP-3802 - SCP Foundation
Oct 22, 2022 · Description: SCP-3802 is an anomalous, low-viscosity liquid with a pink coloration contained in a white plastic bottle. The bottle has been labeled "hare growth by dado" in black permanent marker. SCP-3802’s anomalous effect manifests in two fashions:
SCP-382 - Fondation SCP
SCP-382-2 a l'apparence d'un enfant âgé entre et mois, extrêmement émacié, portant les marques de multiples blessures qui semblent varier à chaque manifestation.
SCP-382 - SCP基金会
描述: 在其休眠状态,SCP-382-1是一辆大型婴儿车,由英格兰的 & of 生产于19 。 其显示出年久失修的痕迹:金属部件严重生锈,橡胶轮胎变得易碎,内部的垫子也失踪了。 SCP-382-2似乎是一个婴儿,年龄在 到 月之间,严重消瘦,并有多处由各种手段造成的伤口。 在不同场合,SCP-382-2显示出严重的挫伤,骨折,有时还有 [数据删除]尽管如此,SCP-382-2仍能发声,尽管未知这是如何做到的。 当无人与SCP-382-1接触时,382-2每 到 分钟出现一次,持续时间在 和 分钟。 尽 …
SCP-382 - Fondazione SCP
SCP-382-2 è un infante, tra i e i mesi di età, di aspetto estremamente emaciato, che presenta molte ferite che variano a ogni manifestazione: in diverse occasioni SCP-382-2 ha presentato ecchimosi estese, ossa rotte e talvolta [DATI CANCELLATI], casi in cui 382-2 riesce comunque a emettere vocalizzazioni, sebbene rimane ignoto come questo sia ...
SCP-ZH-382 - 犧牲品 - SCP基金會
現已證實在SCP-ZH-382周圍架設圍籬將破壞這種效應,致使因好奇心而嘗試接近的人員數增加,SCP-ZH-382周圍不應架設任何的通行阻礙措施。 基金會人員僅應定期巡視並驅離試圖侵入的廢墟探險者,或任何有進入之意圖的人員。 描述: SCP-ZH-382是位在雲林縣莿桐鄉郊區,一棟遭到棄置已久的三層樓房屋,其中一樓作為車庫使用,二樓為主要起居空間,而三樓則包含有一間主臥室、一間普通臥室與一間儲物室。 不論何時,SCP-ZH-382內部固定的三處位置都將發出類似 …
SCP-382 - SCP財団
SCP-382-2は ヶ月から ヶ月の間の幼児で、非常にやせ衰えており、個々の発現体によって位置が異なる数箇所の外傷が見られます。 変わった例としては重い打撲傷や骨折が見られ、ある時は [データ削除済み]にもかかわらず382-2は発声を可能とし、これがどのような方法で行われていたかは不明です。 SCP-382-1が誰とも接触していない時、SCP-382-2は 分から 分ごとに現れ、 分から 分留まります。 しかし、誰かが手を乳母車のハンドルに置くと382-2は即座に現れ、そ …
382 - SCP Foundation - GitHub Pages
In addition, Dr. Gulliver's son has been assigned to observe SCP-382 from a safe distance until he reaches adulthood. Description: SCP-382 is a sealed glass tube containing approximately 30mL. The object appears to be made from quartz, and shows no visible signs of aging.
SCP-382 - Computer Generated Foundation - GitHub Pages
Description: SCP-382 is a digital copy of the book The Miracle of the Magpie by , when exposed to SCP-382's unique properties. This "propagation" has drawn itself quite heavily into Weryllium Laboratories' Foundation database, as the SCP-382 has been called as being a SCP-001.
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