SCP-339 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-339 is a group of tendrils extending off a central mass. It is approximately 50 cm from tip-to-tip, although this is variable. It appears to be made out of weathered copper, but …
SCP-339 - SCP Foundation Classic - Wikidot
SCP-339’s preferred targets are (in order): the brain (specifically the medulla oblongata), the heart, the brain stem and spinal column, major abdominal organs and extremities. SCP-339’s …
SCP-339 - SCP Foundation - GitHub Pages
Description: SCP-339 is a group of tendrils extending off a central mass. It is approximately 50 cm from tip-to-tip, although this is variable. It appears to be made out of weathered copper, but …
SCP-339 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Laconic Description: SCP-339 is a rusty ball of metal with thin, wire-like tentacles around 50cm long. It appears to be made of rusted copper, but is stronger and more flexible; when not doing …
SCP Series - SCP Foundation
Jan 19, 2025 · Foundation Universe Hub - For information on Sites, Mobile Task Forces, Departments, and more. Audio Adaptations - Links to audio read-outs of various articles on the …
SCP-339 Be Silent Be Still | object class keter
SCP-339 will expand by extruding tendrils at an extremely high rate, ensnaring any moving organisms or objects, designated "targets." Once the movement has been restricted, SCP …
SCP-339 - Fondation SCP
Description : SCP-339 est un groupe de vrilles se prolongeant hors d'une masse centrale. SCP-339 mesure approximativement 50cm d'un bout à l'autre bien que cela soit variable. Il semble …
SCP-339 - Молчи, замри
Описание: SCP-339 представляет собой клубок усиков, растущих из общего центра. Длина объекта по краям усиков составляет примерно 50 сантиметров, но может меняться. По …
SCP-339 - SCP基金会
scp-339将通过以极高的速度积压触须,并捕捉任何生物体或对象,并视之为“目标”。 一旦移动物体被捉住,SCP-339的触须震动的频率会迅速加快直到目标呈现出丧失移动能力。
SCP-339 - 別吵、別動 - SCP基金會
scp-339將會以極高的速率向外伸展觸手,捕捉任何正在移動的生物或物件,此處稱為「目標物」。 一旦移動中的物件受到拘束後,SCP-339的觸手迅速增加震動頻率,直到目標物完全無法 …
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