SCP-321 - SCP Foundation
Aug 2, 2022 · SCP-321 is currently 3.1 meters tall, and weighs approximately 110 kilograms. Subject is devoid of melanins in hair, eyes, and skin. It is incapable of speech, but can still vocalise, and has proven to have problems with spacial recognition and awareness.
SCP-321 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
SCP-321, nicknamed "Child of Man", (born 4 July 18 ) is a human female that possesses rapid regeneration and growth, as well as slow aging, due to the use of several SCP objects to bring her back from stillbirth. Despite the efforts of O5-12 Adam, her …
SCP-321 | Child of Man (SCP Orientation) - YouTube
Sep 13, 2021 · SCP-321 is capable of healing injuries inflicted upon it at approximately five times the normal rate. Although its aging has been slowed, SCP-321 has continued to grow, showing no signs of...
SCP-321 - Fondation SCP
SCP-321 était l'enfant mort-né du Chercheur Junior Adam et de son épouse, l'Assistante Médicale Evelyn . Le Chercheur Junior a pris la responsabilité d'utiliser plusieurs SCP, dont [DONNÉES SUPPRIMÉES], dans le but de ramener sa fille à la vie.
SCP-321 - SCP財団
特別収容プロトコル: scp-321は、規定の格納室で保管してください。脆弱な骨格及び筋肉量を補うために、広範な補強材が供給されています。人工心臓は月に一度、損傷の有無を検査すべきです。scp-321には毎日三回給餌を行ってください。
SCP-321 - SCP Explained
Item #: SCP-321. Object Class: Safe. Laconic Containment Procedures: SCP-321 is to be kept in a standard human containment cell. Laconic Description: SCP-321 is the daughter of a foundation researcher that was brought back to life using SCP-590 after being stillborn. SCP-321 is capable of healing injuries five times the formal rate.
SCP-321 - SCP基金会
SCP-321是初级研究员Adam 及其妻子医疗助理Evelyn 的死产儿。 初级研究员 自作主张,通过利用包括 SCP-590 在内的数个SCP,尝试将他的 女儿 复活。 这一系列措施取得了成效,但其成果被带至基金会保管检查。 该项目随后被授予一个SCP编号。 SCP-321很快被发现具有恢复能力,能够以大约为正常速度五倍的速度治愈对它造成的伤害。 与此同时,对象作为SCP-321进入基金会记录。 从那以后,SCP-321的身体继续以一个约为正常人类的一半并递减的速度生长。 尽 …
SCP-321 - 나무위키
SCP 재단 에서 격리 중인 인간형 SCP. 또한 인간, 그것도 재단의 일개 하급 연구원이 자신의 아이를 소생시키기 위해 만들어낸 SCP 다. 1.1. 소생되기까지 [편집] 본래 SCP-321은 하급 연구원 아담 과 의료 보조원 에블린 [1] 의 사산된 아이로, 아담은 사산된 딸을 되살리기 위해 [편집됨] SCP를 포함하며 몇가지 SCP 들을 독단적으로 이용했다. 그 결과 Adam은 놀랍게도 딸을 되살리는 데 성공 했지만, 그 결과는 겨우 되살려낸 딸이 SCP로 분류되어 재단에 구류되는 것으로 돌아왔다. 1.2. …
SCP-321 - SCP Foundation Classic - Wikidot
Description: SCP-321 is a fungal spore that sprouts on mammalian tissue. Observations have shown that there is a life cycle of the colony. The following is what we know of the life cycle. Stage 1: Symptoms resembling a mild cold. May have a small rash similar to razor burn. Stage 2: Subjects report an itching under the skin.
SCP-321 - Дитя человеческое
Описание: SCP-321 представляет собой человека женского пола, дата рождения – 4 июля 18 . В данный момент рост SCP-321 – 3,1 м, вес – приблизительно 110 кг. Волосы, глаза и кожа объекта лишены пигментации.
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