SCP-310 - SCP Foundation
Jul 11, 2022 · Description: SCP-310 is a 157 mm tall white candle, composed of apparently standard tallow. SCP-310 is an unmarked 33 mm diameter cylinder with tapered tip, out of …
SCP-310 | Visceraled's SCP: Site Roleplay Wiki | Fandom
SCP-310 is a navy blue tallow candle that produces a steady purple flame. The flame produced by the candle can be extinguished through conventional methods like removal of oxygen, …
SCP-310 | Eternal Flame (SCP Orientation) - YouTube
SCP Orientation is an archive of files of the SCP Foundation.Today we will be studying Item number SCP-310: Eternal Flame, Object class: Safe.SCP-310 is a ca...
SCP-310 - Fondation SCP
Toute substance inflammable ou semi-inflammable entrant en contact avec SCP-310 commence à brûler d’un feu se propageant lentement. Contrairement à la flamme de SCP-310, cette …
SCP-310 | SCP Mod Wiki | Fandom
SCP-310 is a 157 mm tall white candle, composed of apparently standard tallow. When not immersed in an oxygen-free medium, the wick produces a steady 24 mm tall flame. This flame …
SCP-310 - "Eternal Flame" | SCI Pathos III Wiki | Fandom
SCP-310 is a classical white wax candle and Neutralized class, formerly Safe class item SCP standing upright on a small metal dish. There is a small flame lit on the top. If anyone attempts …
SCP-310 - SCP財団
アイテム番号: SCP-310. オブジェクトクラス: Safe. 特別収容プロトコル: 実験時を除き、SCP-310は耐火素材からなる0.3×0.3×0.3メートルの真空容器に収容されます。容器の周囲の研究 …
SCP Database - SCP-310 - Google Sites
SCP 310 "Eternal Flame" SCP 310 appears to be a standard wax candle with a flame that constantly burns brightly. The wax of SCP 310 does not seem to be exhausted by the flame. …
SCP-310 - SCP Futuristic Wiki
SCP-310 stands straight on a pillar. The containment has 2 parts: One, the entrance, and two, the actual cell for SCP-310. The room SCP-310 is in is barren, with the only notable features …
SCP-310 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-310. Object Class: Safe. Laconic Containment Procedures: SCP-310 must not come into contact with an flammable objects. Laconic Description: SCP-310 is a candle that …