SCP-310 - SCP Foundation
Jul 11, 2022 · Description: SCP-310 is a 157 mm tall white candle, composed of apparently standard tallow. SCP-310 is an unmarked 33 mm diameter cylinder with tapered tip, out of which emerges 7 mm of wick. When not immersed in an oxygen-free medium, the wick produces a steady 24 mm tall flame.
SCP-310 | Visceraled's SCP: Site Roleplay Wiki | Fandom
SCP-310 is a navy blue tallow candle that produces a steady purple flame. The flame produced by the candle can be extinguished through conventional methods like removal of oxygen, immersion in non-flammable fluid, and application of sudden, intense airflow.
SCP-310 | Eternal Flame (SCP Orientation) - YouTube
SCP Orientation is an archive of files of the SCP Foundation.Today we will be studying Item number SCP-310: Eternal Flame, Object class: Safe.SCP-310 is a ca...
SCP-310 - Fondation SCP
Toute substance inflammable ou semi-inflammable entrant en contact avec SCP-310 commence à brûler d’un feu se propageant lentement. Contrairement à la flamme de SCP-310, cette flamme ne peut être éteinte par aucune autre méthode connue …
SCP-310 | SCP Mod Wiki | Fandom
SCP-310 is a 157 mm tall white candle, composed of apparently standard tallow. When not immersed in an oxygen-free medium, the wick produces a steady 24 mm tall flame. This flame can be extinguished through most conventional means: removal of oxygen, immersion in non-flammable fluid, application...
SCP-310 - "Eternal Flame" | SCI Pathos III Wiki | Fandom
SCP-310 is a classical white wax candle and Neutralized class, formerly Safe class item SCP standing upright on a small metal dish. There is a small flame lit on the top. If anyone attempts to extinguish the candle, it will only be temporarily successful as the candle will anomalously relight...
SCP-310 - SCP財団
アイテム番号: SCP-310. オブジェクトクラス: Safe. 特別収容プロトコル: 実験時を除き、SCP-310は耐火素材からなる0.3×0.3×0.3メートルの真空容器に収容されます。容器の周囲の研究チャンバーも同様に耐火素材で構成し、実験時以外は二酸化炭素や窒素などの ...
SCP Database - SCP-310 - Google Sites
SCP 310 "Eternal Flame" SCP 310 appears to be a standard wax candle with a flame that constantly burns brightly. The wax of SCP 310 does not seem to be exhausted by the flame. SCP 310 has no means of being extinguished and will burn all material given to it. There is no known way to put out the
SCP-310 - SCP Futuristic Wiki
SCP-310 stands straight on a pillar. The containment has 2 parts: One, the entrance, and two, the actual cell for SCP-310. The room SCP-310 is in is barren, with the only notable features being the window that is used for viewing SCP-310 and the object itself, When a …
SCP-310 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-310. Object Class: Safe. Laconic Containment Procedures: SCP-310 must not come into contact with an flammable objects. Laconic Description: SCP-310 is a candle that regenerates its wick. Fire that originates from SCP-310 is impossible to extinguish.