SCP-294 - SCP Foundation
SCP-294 produced a clear, sparkling fluid that tasted vaguely alcoholic. Following ingestion, subject reported "feeling" and not hearing, a continuous rhythm, and demonstrated the ability to move and even dance with a certain fluidity that he had not previously shown.
SCP-294 - Project: SCP Wiki
SCP-294 is a coffee vending machine housed within the Entrance Zone cafeteria. It features an entry touchpad designed with a standard English QWERTY keyboard and a static screen. ¶ How to use SCP-294
SCP-294 - Official SCP - Containment Breach Wiki - Fandom
SCP-294, known as "The Coffee Machine", is an SCP object encountered in SCP - Containment Breach. SCP-294 is a standard coffee vending machine, the only noticeable difference being an entry touchpad with buttons corresponding to an English QWERTY keyboard.
SCP-294 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
SCP-294, nicknamed "The Coffee Machine", is a coffee machine with the ability to dispense any liquid. It is currently contained at an unknown SCP Foundation facility's break room, though heavily monitored.
SCP-294/outputs - Official SCP - Containment Breach Wiki
"I need SCP-079's help if I want to go through Gate B, or a distraction of some kind to go through Gate A." None: Lava, Magma, Earth, Rock, Rocks, Stone Orange, Glows "The liquid disintegrates your insides almost instantly." Kills the player instantly. Lemon, Lemon Juice, Lemonade. Yellow, Slight Transparency None: None: Lemon fanta
SCP-294 - "The Coffee Machine" | SCI Pathos III Wiki | Fandom
SCP-294, AKA "The Coffee Machine" or "The Vending Machine", is a Safe Class, item, non-sentient vending machine about the size of a human. It is a standard coffee vending machine but with a 'QWERTY' keyboard instead of a regular input button.
[PATHOS] SCP Directory - SCP-294 - Google Sites
SCP-294 is a coffee vending machine with a standard ‘QWERTY’ keyboard on the main panel. The keyboard can be used to make requests for whatever is typed up. At the bottom of this page,...
SCP-294 | Project: SCP Wiki | Fandom
SCP-294 is a Safe-Class SCP, contained within Entrance Zone of the facility, more notably in Cafeteria. It appears to be a coffee vending machine with its entry touchpad being a computer keyboard. To use it, you need to type a word using the keypad for …
SCP-294 | SCP: Anomaly Breach 2 Fanmade Wiki | Fandom
SCP-294 is located in the Cafeteria in the Entrance Zone. It can produce up to 29 different drinks. As of right now, it does not need any quarters to be put in to produce a drink. SCP-294 appears to be a standard coffee vending machine, the only noticeable difference being …
SCP-294 - SCP財団
説明: SCP-294は標準的なコーヒー自動販売機の見た目をしており、見た目の唯一の特徴として英語のQWERTYキーボードの入力タッチパッドが付いています。 硬貨投入口に米国50¢を入れると、タッチパッドによってあらゆる液体の名前を入力することができます。 注文すると一般的な360mLの紙コップが置かれ、入力した液体が注がれます。 初期実験で97種の液体 (水、コーヒー、ビール、ソーダ、硫酸のような不飲料、清掃用洗剤、自動車オイル、ニトログリセリン …