SCP-280 - SCP Foundation
Oct 20, 2022 · SCP-280 moves with a gliding motion, with its hands extended, described as a “sleepwalker pose” by observers. SCP-280 will move slowly towards any human beings and …
SCP-280 "Eyes in the Dark" - SCP Foundation Wiki
SCP-280 was observed to repeatedly appear and dissipate throughout the illuminated Site, progressing through the sub-levels and eventually appearing in SCP-1591's containment …
SCP-280 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
If SCP-280 attacks, it must be illuminated but not attacked back until it retreats. Laconic Description: SCP-280 is a black humanoid mass with two large eyes on its head and two …
SCP-280 - Villains Wiki
SCP-280, also known as Eyes in the Dark, is an antagonist in the SCP Foundation series. It is a Keter-class SCP, mainly known for appearing as a black-human shaped creature and …
SCP-280 - 나무위키
Sep 29, 2023 · 얼굴에 두 개의 큰 흰색 눈과 매우 가늘고 긴 손가락의 두 손을 가진 인간 형상의 검은색 덩어리이다. 신체의 하부는 보이지 않는다. 이 덩어리는 전체적으로 매우 어두우며, 비 …
SCP-280-FR - SCP International
The current technologies developed and maintained by the entities of SCP-280-FR-2 resemble those of the 19th century in the known world. Contrary to SCP-280-FR-2, human beings are …
SCP-280 - [SCPF] Information Database
SCP-280 is extremely hostile and will hunt any living creatures in its vicinity. SCP-280 moves straight toward its prey and will only lose interest if another living being is closer. When SCP …
SCP-280-JP - SCP Foundation
The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment.
Home | SCP Distributors
SCP Distributors LLC | Superior Pool Products LLC are part of a distribution network that leads the pack as the world’s largest wholesale distributor of swimming pool supplies, equipment …
SCP-280 | SCP Facility Lockdown Wiki | Fandom
SCP-280 is a limited-time playable SCP made for the Halloween 2024 event which spawns in its own containment chamber in the Heavy Containment Zone. It functions as a stealth assassin, …
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